STD Code - Search STD Codes or Telephone Access Code of a particular area of India, State wise or Search code by city name.
While calling any such landline or fixed line one need to prefix the actual phone number with STD code. For Example if you are calling toMumbainumber 25331234 you need to prefix this with022. Two digit STD codes for famous Metro Cities of India ...
What is the Sagar STD code in Madhya Pradesh? The STD code of Sagar in Madhya Pradesh is 07582. Location of Sagar , Madhya Pradesh *The Map Showing the Sagar City of Madhya Pradesh in Detail. STD Search STD CODE Last Updated on : June 08, 2021...
Major cities, such as Mumbai (022) and Delhi (011), have specific STD codes. STD codes are not required for local calls made within the same area. India's national long-distance prefix is '0' (zero). To make an inter-city call, dial '0' followed by the relevant STD code. ...