std::basic_string<CharT, Traits,std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<CharT>>; } (2) (C++17 起) 类模板basic_string存储和处理字符式对象的序列,这种对象是满足平凡类型(TrivialType)和标准布局类型(StandardLayoutType)的非数组对象。该类既不依赖字符类型,也不依赖该类型上的原生操作。操作的定义通过Traits模板形...
1)等价于returnbasic_string(*this, pos, count);。 2)等价于returnbasic_string(std::move(*this), pos, count);。 参数 pos-要包含的首个字符的位置 count-子串的长度 返回值 含子串[pos,pos+count)或[pos,size())的字符串。 异常 在pos>size()时抛出std::out_of_range。
basic_string Benutzerkonto anlegen Seite Diskussion Lesen Bearbeiten Versionen/Autoren std::basic_string This page has been machine-translated from the English version of the wiki usingGoogle Translate. The translation may contain errors and awkward wording. Hover over text to see ...
1)Equivalent toreturnbasic_string(*this, pos, count);. 2)Equivalent toreturnbasic_string(std::move(*this), pos, count);. Parameters pos-position of the first character to include count-length of the substring Return value String containing the substring[pos,pos+count)or[pos,size()). ...
std::basic_string (1) basic_string():basic_string(Allocator()){} (since C++11) (until C++17) basic_string()noexcept(noexcept(Allocator())) :basic_string(Allocator()){} (since C++17) (constexpr since C++20) (2) explicitbasic_string(constAllocator&alloc=Allocator()); ...
t-object (convertible tostd::basic_string_view) to search for Return value Position of the first character of the found substring ornposif no such substring is found. Note that this is an offset from the start of the string, not the end. ...
sbElstd::basic_stringbuf<CharT, Traits, Allocator>usado como el búfer subyacente. (objeto miembro solo de exposición*) Funciones miembro (constructor) construye la corriente de cadena Original: constructs the string stream The text has been machine-translated viaGoogle Translate. ...
在CreativeCommonsAttribution下授权-ShareAlike未移植许可v3.0。[医]串/尾 本文档系腾讯云开发者社区成员共同维护,如有问题请联系 最后更新于:2017-12-18 分享 扫描二维码 扫码关注腾讯云开发者 领取腾讯云代金券...
basic_string Créer un compte Page Discussion Lire Modifier Historique std::basic_string C++ Bibliothèque de chaînes de caractères std::basic_string Déclaré dans l'en-tête<string> template< classCharT, classTraits=std::char_traits<CharT>,...
std::basic_string basic_string&erase(size_type index=0, size_type count=npos); (1)(constexpr since C++20) (2) iterator erase(iterator position); (until C++11) iterator erase(const_iterator position); (since C++11) (constexpr since C++20) ...