T accumulate( InputIt first, InputIt last, T init, BinaryOperation op );依赖于第三个参数类型:...
T accumulate( InputIt first, InputIt last, T init, BinaryOperation op );依赖于第三个参数类型:...
int count = std::accumulate(stuff.begin(), stuff.end(), 0, [](int current_sum, stuff_value_t const& value) { return current_sum + value.member; }); 如果你不能使用 lambda,那么你当然可以使用标准绑定器或 boost::bind。 4投票 使用函子: class F { // sum Foos F(int init = 0...
sum = std::accumulate( polygon.begin(), polygon.end(), 0 ); 对于更一般但仍然相当简单的情况,我会选择: 12345 #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp> #include <boost/lambda/bind.hpp> using namespace boost::lambda; std::for_each( polygon.begin(), polygon.end(), sum += _1 ); 关于Johannes...
Java日常使用容易出错的几个地方(一) equals方法的使用 Object的equals使用不当会出现空指针的情况 ...
The following example uses alambda-expressionto increment all of the elements of a vector and then uses an overloadedoperator()in a function object (a.k.a., "functor") to compute their sum. Note that to compute the sum, it is recommended to use the dedicated algorithmstd::accumulate. ...
Calculating the sum of all the elements in a container is also simple with thestd::accumulatealgorithm. Prior to C++17, transforming the data in some way while taking the sum was somewhat awkward. For example, to compute the average age of your employees, you might write the following code...
Informally,ranges::fold_leftbehaves likestd::accumulate's overload that accepts a binary predicate. The behavior is undefined if[first,last)is not a valid range. 1)The range is[first,last). Equivalent toreturnranges::fold_left_with_iter(std::move(first), last, std::move(init), f).valu...
| 我想使用Boost.Phoenix创建一个由几行代码组成的lambda函数,然后“返回”一个值,以便可以与 std::transform 一起使用。 像这样: std::transform(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), ( //Do something complicated here with the elements of a: ...