MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY =0x00020000, MB_TOPMOST =0x00040000, MB_RIGHT =0x00080000, MB_RTLREADING =0x00100000, MB_TYPEMASK =0x0000000F, MB_ICONMASK =0x000000F0, MB_DEFMASK =0x00000F00, MB_MODEMASK =0x00003000, MB_MISCMASK =0x0000C000 } extern(Windows){intMessageBoxW(HWND,LPCWSTR,LPC...
“Application of a multiplex quantitative PCR to assess prevalence and intensity of intestinal parasite infections in a controlled clinical trial.” PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10.1 (2016): e0004380. Treatment Speich, Benjamin, et al. “Effect of sanitation and water treatment on intestinal proto...
Parasitic STIs/STDs are caused by parasites passed from person-to-person and depending on the STI/STD, can be transmitted during sexual activity; during non-sexual contact with another individual; from mother to infant during birth, or breastfeeding; and in some instances, from towels, or othe...
#define CR_HSEBYP_Set ((uint32_t)0x00040000) #define CR_HSEON_Reset ((uint32_t)0xFFFEFFFF) #define CR_HSEON_Set ((uint32_t)0x00010000) #define CR_HSITRIM_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFF07) /...
420-2AD27-5CA1 1 6BK1000-6WP40-0AA0 1 C2DS-800-25-07:30-VAC 1个 C2DS-800-25-04:30-VAC 1个 TI18CV (ReplacesTI18BV) 1个 3BHB021400R0002 5SHY4045L0004GVC736 , 1支 PLUTO AS-I V2 1支 PLUTO AS-I B20 1.变频器_CIMR-AB4A0007FBA 3KW/2.2KW 台 1 ...
(2016): 420-422. Boutin, C. A., et al. “LGV in Quebec.” CCDR 44 (2018): 2. Templeton, David J., et al. “Enhanced surveillance of a lymphogranuloma venereum outbreak in Sydney 2010–2012.” Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 40.4 (2016): 368-370. de Vries...
(2016): 420-422. Boutin, C. A., et al. “LGV in Quebec.” CCDR 44 (2018): 2. Templeton, David J., et al. “Enhanced surveillance of a lymphogranuloma venereum outbreak in Sydney 2010–2012.” Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 40.4 (2016): 368-370. de Vries...
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(2016): 420-422. Boutin, C. A., et al. “LGV in Quebec.” CCDR 44 (2018): 2. Templeton, David J., et al. “Enhanced surveillance of a lymphogranuloma venereum outbreak in Sydney 2010–2012.” Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 40.4 (2016): 368-370. de Vries...
CX1100-0004 CX1020-A001 AL2-24MR-D MSK101D-0300-NN-M1-BG2-NNNN RAP4G4C6 HD15 HDBNC 接口 硬盘/SFCA16GBH2BV4TO-I-QT-226-STD/Swissbit 硬盘/SFCF0512H1BU2TO-C-MS-527-L28/Swissbit 硬盘/SFCF8192H2BU2TO-C-QT-527-L28/Swissbit 3557K024CS CF卡 1G KE020016 TCN4S-24R Br...