问题现象: 今天早上在给同事讲代码时,打开工程,发现之前可以编译的工程,在未修改代码,未修改SDK的情况下,无法编译。并且提示如下: C2429:语言功能"嵌套命名空间定义"需要编译器标志"/std:c++latest"。 问题原因: 在各种百度,各种查,各种问后,发现这个提示是说代码中出现了“嵌套命名空间”,这个功能只有C++17之后...
[MSVC][std:c++latest] Trojan build failed due to error C2666: 'boost::date_time::base_time<boost::posix_time::ptime,boost::posix_time::posix_time_system>::operator ==': overloaded functions have similar conversions #660 Closed 1 task fangzhouxia opened this issue Dec 7, 2022· 0 ...
Description After the MSVC team implementedP2468R2 The Equality Operator You Are Looking For, we got compiler errors with /std:c++latest like below. The way this fails is that the != operator here:https://github.com/nlohmann/json/blob/develop/include/nlohmann/json.hpp#L3704actually suppresses...
Is the recommendation therefore to use /std:c++latest despite being subject to breaking changes/feature removal without notice, or is the documentation incorrect in one of these places? C++cppcompiler
/std:c++14 /std:c++17 /std:c++20 /std:c++latest /std:c11 /std:c17 /std:clatestЗамечанияПараметры /stdдоступныв Visual Studio 2017 иболеепозднихверсиях. Онииспользуютсядляуправлениястан...
Compile is fine with /std:c++17 and if I set /permissive, adding /Zc:twoPhase- on command line also allows build. With /std:c++latest, even without setting /permissive-, there is: Command line error D8016 : '/clr' and '/std:c++latest' command-line options are incompatible. ...
This is a known issue that while using /std:c++latest with dpcpp in windows, you will face some errors. Please refer the below release notes for more info: https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/intel-oneapi-dpcpp-compiler-release-notes-beta.html ...
visual studio 2022 17.8.5 + /std:c++latest fatal error C1001: Interner Compilerfehler. (Compilerfile "msc1.cpp", Line 1587) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\include\xmemory(1268): n...
今天用最新的VS2019打开以前的C++/CLI项目 编译报错: 错误 D8016 “/clr”和“/std:c++latest”命令行选项不兼容 原因是:VS2019在C++ 语言标准中默认选择了最新C++工作草...RMS 和 STD 的区别 曾经的我以为,这两个概念是相同的,甚至在一个总结当中都说成它俩一样了,但是今天听了个讲座,才发现以前的自己...
(编辑:也可以是VS/std:c++latest 切换- 任何可能的。两者都是为此目的。) 看答案 将我的评论变成答案 CMAKE团队正在为VS2017工作(至2017年7月,即将发布的CMAKE版本3.10): CMAKE:MSVC标准版开关 这些标志似乎是新开关(与此问题的日期有关): VS 2017 15.3预览现在支持 /std:C ++ 17 因此,对于Visual Stud...