A workaround to this problem is to have a `std::unique_ptr` with a custom deleter, which is defined in a TU that knows the full definition of `T`. This header standardizes and generalizes this trick. The usage is quite simple: - everywhere you would have used `std::unique_ptr<T>`...
std::cout <<"Deleting Widget with custom deleter\n";deletep; };intmain(){// 删除器不在类型定义中,而是在实例化时指定std::shared_ptr<Widget>spw(newWidget, loggingDel);// 使用 std::shared_ptr 时,删除器是控制块的一部分,不是类型的一部分return0; } 在这个示例中,std::shared_ptr<Widget>...
I am currently playing around with the WDK and wanted to use std::unique_ptr with a custom deleter to avoid callingObDereferenceObject, ExFreePoolWithTag. But it seems that when including<utility>the project just breaks and isn't working, i.e showing that no overload matches (noT*...
fclose() called here, but only if FILE* is not a null pointer // (that is, if fopen succeeded) std::cout << "Custom lambda-expression deleter demo\n"; { std::unique_ptr<D, std::function<void(D*)>> p(new D, [](D* ptr) { std::cout << "destroying from a custom deleter....
Althoughstd::unique_ptr<T>with the default deleter may be constructed withincomplete typeT, the typeTmust be complete at the point of code where the destructor is called. Example The following program demonstrates usage of a custom deleter. ...
the change in size depends on how much state is stored in the function object. Stateless function objects (e.g., from lambda expressions with no captures) incur no size penalty, and this means that when a custom deleter can be implemented as either a function or a captureless lambda expres...
Custom deleter Misusing unique_ptr Assigning the same pointer to multiple unique_ptrs Deleting memory managed by unique_ptrs A word about arrays That’s it for todayToday we’ll talk about C++’s built-in smart pointer std::unique_ptr, which is an extremely powerful, simple & common tool...
Withdecltype(), we don’t have to write our own deleter functor like in this example: C++ #include<memory>structMyDeleter {voidoperator()(double*p) { free(p); } };intmain() {autoData =std::unique_ptr<double, MyDeleter>{reinterpret_cast<double*>(malloc(sizeof(double) *50)) };retur...
();returnp;}// helper function for the custom deleter demo belowvoidclose_file(std::FILE*fp){std::fclose(fp);}// unique_ptr-based linked list demostructList{structNode{intdata;std::unique_ptr<Node>next;};std::unique_ptr<Node>head;~List(){// destroy list nodes sequentially in a ...