after 80 inters, I got an error as: paddle::pybind::ThrowExceptionToPython(std::__exception_ptr::exception_ptr) without any information. is there anyone can help me? 系统环境/System Environment:Ubuntu, Anaconda3, GPU GPU Tesla T4 16Gb, Cuda Version: 11.7, Runtime API Version: 10.2, cu...
[string.erase]:Throws:length_errorifn > max_size(). There are a few things referenced in the “…” portion of[container.requirements.general](11), but they do not apply tobasic_string. Hooray, we can use theerasemethod to shrink the string and avoid an exception. void remove_extension(...
At least one more has reported the same bug . 翻译 0 项奖励 复制链接 回复 Bernard 重要分销商 I 11-11-2013 01:06 PM 1,758 次查看 It...
若std::decay<T>::type 是非final 、非 union 、既非 std::nested_exception 亦非从 std::nested_exception 导出的类类型,则抛出一个从 std::nested_exception 和std::decay<T>::type 两者公开导出的未指定类型的异常,从 std::forward<T>(t) 构造。 nested_exception 基类的默认构造函数调用 std::current...
问题确认 Search before asking 我已经搜索过问题,但是没有找到解答。I have searched the question and found no related answer. 请提出你的问题 Please ask your question C++ Traceback (most recent call last): 0 paddle::pybind::ThrowExceptionToPython(std::__exc
ENOENT; // 假设这是一个系统错误码,表示文件或目录不存在 std::__throw_system_error(errorCode); // 抛出 system_error 异常 } int main() { try { customFunctionThatThrows(); } catch (const std::system_error& e) { std::cerr << "Caught system_error exception: " <<...
oneAPI 2024.0.1.45 Visual Studio 2022 when running the dpcpp example projects, it throws exception "std::out_of_range " queue q(selector,
exception_ptr (C++11) make_exception_ptr (C++11) current_exception (C++11) rethrow_exception (C++11) nested_exception (C++11) throw_with_nested (C++11) rethrow_if_nested (C++11) Exception handling failures terminate terminate_handler get_terminate (C++11) set_terminate bad_exception unexpected ...
代码如下:use rand::Rng;use std::collections::HashSet;fn main() { let nn: i32 = 10; ...