std::mutex 编译 RPi Pico (CMake) 时出现错误问题描述 投票:0回答:1我已经研究这个问题几天了,似乎无法在任何在线论坛/文档中找到答案。这就是我正在做的事情:我有一个 RPi 3B 通过 USB 连接到 RPi Pico (实际上它还没有连接,但这无关紧要,我现在只是构建二进制文件)。我通过计算机 SSH 连接到 3B,并...
之前的几步,使用CMakeGUI去Configure和Generate都很顺利,但进行到在cmd中使用mingw32-make时遇到了问题. 命令行报错如下,仔细看了一下都是和一个Mutex有关的错误(错误反馈截取自这个链接 ,我的错误反馈找不到...
To use locks (std::mutex,std::shared_timed_mutex,spinlock…) – they admit 1 thread, one by one, to the locked code, so the problem of data-races does not arise and we can use arbitrary complex logic by using any normal not thread-safe objects. Forstd::atomic<int> a: if initially...
To use locks (std::mutex,std::shared_timed_mutex,spinlock…) – they admit 1 thread, one by one, to the locked code, so the problem of data-races does not arise and we can use arbitrary complex logic by using any normal not thread-safe objects. Forstd::atomic<int> a: if initially...
We make any object thread-safe We make astd::shared_mutex10 times faster Thread-safe std::map with the speed of lock-free map Introduction High Performance of Lock-Based Data Structures In this article, we will detail the atomic operations and C++11 memory barriers and the assembler instructio...