The specialization for std::char_traits<char16_t> requires a member int_type defined as uint_least16_t and for the member function eof() to return "an implementation-defined constant that cannot appear as a valid UTF-16 code unit."
std::char_traits<char16_t>::eof, std::char_traits<char32_t>::eofC++ 字符串库 std::char_traits static int_type eof(); (C++11 起为 constexpr)(C++11 起为 noexcept) 返回不等价于任何 char_type 合法值的值。 对字符特征的关于 X::eof 的通用要求请参考字符特征 (CharTraits) 。
static std::size_t length( const char_type* s ); (constexpr since C++17) Returns the length of the character sequence pointed to by s, that is, the position of the terminating null character (char_type()). See CharTraits for the general requirements on character traits for X::length...
static void assign( char_type& c1, const char_type& c2 ); (1) (C++11 起为 noexcept)(C++17 起为 constexpr) static char_type* assign( char_type* ptr, std::size_t count, char_type c2 ); (2) (C++20 起为 constexpr) 1) 将c2 赋给c1,行为等同...
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考虑以下代码段: int main(){ 删除new(std :: align_val_t(16))char; } G ++ 14.2.1在没有警告的情况下对其进行了编译(-Wall -Pethantic),并且它在没有错误的情况下运行。但是当问题描述 投票:0回答:1G++ 14.2.1在没有警告的情况下对其进行了编译(在-Wall -pedantic 下),并且在没有错误的情况下...