std::bit_width 定义于头文件<bit> template<classT> constexprT bit_width(T x)noexcept; (C++20 起) 若x非零,则计算存储值x所需的位数,即1 + floor(log 2(x))。若x为零,则返回零。 此重载仅若T为无符号整数类型(即unsignedchar、unsignedshort、unsignedint、unsignedlong、unsignedlonglong或扩展无符...
std::bit_ceil std::bit_floor std::bit_width std::rotl 常用数学函数 数学特殊函数 伪随机数生成 浮点环境 std::complex std::valarray 编译时有理数算术 std::gcd std::lcm 数学常数 std::bit_cast std::rotr std::countl_zero std::countl_one std::countr_zero std::countr_one std::popcount...
Yes, you can change a single bit in a vector without impacting other bits. Example: Data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); x: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); ... signal signBit : std_logic:='1'; ... signal sig : std_logic_vector(31 downto...
How to set the most significant bit in an STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(data_width downto 0) to 1 without changing the other bits Subscribe More actions rgodw Beginner 07-20-2019 12:52 PM 1,106 Views I'm trying to set the first bit in a logic vector to 1 so ...