JIRA : Why can we only bulk 1000 tickets by default? This limit has caused me much more time. What is the reason behind this setting that is so sophisticated that I can't even find on the internet ? Thanks. Bulk editing in Jira is a memory intensive ope......
JIRA : Why can we only bulk 1000 tickets by default? This limit has caused me much more time. What is the reason behind this setting that is so sophisticated that I can't even find on the internet ? Thanks. Bulk editing in Jira is a memory intensive ope......
5.熟练使用Jira,具有问题日志分析能力; 6.熟悉性能测试规范,可熟练执行提供的自动化脚本,了解测试流程,能独立完成相关测试文档的编写工作,对功能测试或某一领域的业务 有较为深入的理解; 7.有良好的表达能力和独立思考能力;8.工作认真负责,良好的沟通能力和团队合作意识,良好的学习能力和技术钻研能力 ...
技术能力: o 熟悉性能测试工具,如高速相机、FPS工具、机械臂等 o 熟悉性能跑分、FPS、响应时间等测试 o 熟悉测试流程和Bug管理工具(如ALM、Bugzilla、Jira等) 5. 软技能:良好的沟通和团队协作能力,注重细节,有强烈的责任心和主动性。 6. 语言要求:良好的英语读写能力。其他:特有工业和信息化部人才交流中心颁发...
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-9666 DTCS 非常适合时序数据,但它的注意事项,使其难以在生产中的应用(一些典型的操作:bootstrap,removenode,repair 在max_sstable_age_days后不再合并,hints/read repair破坏了选择算法)(译:不知道指的是什么选择算法)。
USA&ISO22716: 2007, ISO 9001: 2008 pejirandî, wekî pêşengek di vê pîşesaziyê de, hilberên me bi xerîdarên pêbaweriya kalîteya pêbawer, wek mînak Standarda Ewlekariya Ewropî EN71 û 76/768 EEC, FDA, MSDS ji bo bazara DY, SASO ji bo Bazara Rojhilata...
当这个伤害数字冒出来的时候,Jirall整个人都在电竞椅上微微后仰,仿佛挨这一刀的是他本人一般。 “警告!警告!” The Shy兰博毫不犹豫的洒下大招封路,开着喷火器就走上前开始扛塔。 德莱文又是两刀落下。 “Legendary!” 激昂的系统提示音再度响彻整个场馆!
“守是肯定要守的,”上单Jirall无奈的道:“否则我们会输得很难看。” 中单Seiya叹了口气,只说了一个字:“守。” 且不说联盟官方现在禁止在比赛中投降。 就算不禁止,时间也才十二分钟! 距离15投都还有一段极为漫长的时间,是的,漫长。 他们现在已经是度秒如年,甚至恨不得自家基地赶紧爆炸!
This limit has caused me much more time. What is the reason behind this setting that is so sophisticated that I can't even find on the internet ? Thanks. Bulk editing in Jira is a memory intensive ope...相关问题 使用单片机/缩放镜头时平等成本 将大型单片单片机应用程序转换为多线程架构的建议...
JIRA : Why can we only bulk 1000 tickets by default? This limit has caused me much more time. What is the reason behind this setting that is so sophisticated that I can't even find on the internet ? Thanks. Bulk editing in Jira is a memory intensive ope... ...