2016年5月,STC推出了新的数字移动客户体验业务Jawwy,成为全球率先使用网络和社交媒体设计和开发新移动体验的电信运营商之一。Jawwy有自己的SIM卡和应用,数字销售渠道和客服中心也是全新设计的。 该服务的亮点是,用户可以使用Jawwy应用实时开通、分享和管理套餐,而无需购买固定套餐。此外,该应用还有很多其他特点,例如提供实...
In May, STC launched Jawwy, a new digital mobile experience that places it as one of the first telcos in the world to design and develop a new mobile experience that uses online and social media. Jawwy features its own SIM, app, and freshly designed digital channels for sales and customer...
enables us to embark on this journey, while also adopting new solutions and technologies with world-class partners and alliances to take our customer experience to the next level; thus, affirming STC’s commitment to remain a trendsetter in the region.” – Hany Aboushady, CTO, Jawwy ...
哪个吧友知道Jawwy-stc怎么查流量和话费啊,怎么充值 耿加翔 吧主 14 下午my stc 贴吧用户_5CUVRES 锋芒毕露 3 你还在沙特吗 怪我咯 锋芒毕露 3 jawwy-STC充值是先买充值卡,然后*155*充值卡号#拨出去就可以!两个都是买STC充值卡!方法一样!jawwy开通流量就用APP登录...
Jawwy is a significant part of STC's current digital transformation and we believe this initiative will set the pace for the telecom sector in KSA and beyond. We believe it's the future of mobile. Clouds above the new blue ocean… According to IDC, more than a third of Saudi ...
jawwy-stc软件android 相关截图 1/4
“Jawwy is a significant part of STC’s current digital transformation and we believe this initiative will set the pace for the telecom sector in KSA and beyond. We believe it is the future of mobile,” said Khaled Biyari, CEO of STC Group. STC has set up a separate digital busine...
Move Customer Acquisition M... Move Audit M... Move Consumer A... Move Corporate Affairs E... Move Stc Bank N... Move HR A... Move Strategy K... Move CTO F... Move Jawwy Systems Engagement M... Move Transformation & Synergies ...
I contacted Jawwy support team since last January and their reply was: “we are working on this with google”. I’m wondering: “that working with google doesn’t finish yet? If you’re working with them...!!!” - During casting also...!! The content freezes and keep loading for ma...
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