stay-at-home mom 英[stei æt həum mɔm]美[ste æt hom mɑm]释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 全职妈妈; 双语例句 全部 1. The mother was a housewife, not a stay - at - home mom in perpetual orbit around her kids. 妈妈是家庭“主妇”, 而非整天在家不断绕着孩子打转的“母亲”. ...
必应词典为您提供stay-at-homemom的释义,网络释义: 全职妈妈;不工作的母亲;家庭主妇;
stay-at-home mom是什么意思 全职妈妈 stay-at-home mom 例句 1.The mother was a housewife, not a stay - at - home mom in perpetual orbit around her kids. 妈妈是家庭“主妇”, 而非整天在家不断绕着孩子打转的“母亲”. 2.Yes, I am the cook in the family since I am a stay - at ...
mom and popadj. 小型的(指商店);夫妻老婆店形式的 Homen. 1. [英格兰人、苏格兰人姓氏] 霍姆,Holme的变体 2. 家,住宅;产地;家乡;避难所 adv. 在家,回家;深入地 adj. 国内的,家庭的;有效的 v.[T] mom oir妈妈回忆录 最新单词 asymptotic theory的中文释义渐近理论 ...
🌰举个例子Their grandmother was feeling unwell and had to stay at home.他们的祖母感觉不舒服,只好呆在家里。 ★一个小拓展: 加了连字符的stay-at-home是 不爱出门的;全职照顾家庭的(adj.) 所以全职妈妈就是stay-at-home mom 全职...
在中国比较常见的还是stay-at-home mom,按照我们的传统似乎父亲是养家糊口的人(breadwinner),他应该给家里带来收入(bring home bacon)。 看个英语例句: A stay-at-home dad is likely to feel some burnout and a little isolation. He will also have to deal with stereotypes, many of which are negative...
stay-at-home mom 全职妈妈 (单词翻译:单击) Stay-at-home mom:大家应该很好猜出来是什么意思吧?呆在家里不外出工作,全身心在家带宝宝的妈妈,也就是“全职妈妈”。 Being a stay-at-home mom is as much hard work as going to an office everyday....
SAHM缩写是呆在家里,妈**意思,SAHM全写Stay At Home Mom。 SAHM缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择SAHM正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:呆在家里,妈妈 2.有道翻译:呆在家里,妈妈获赞35次 声明:内容版权归作者所有,未经授权不得任意转载 本文标题和链接: SAHM-呆在家里,妈*...
John:So we've been talking about women's roles in society. And are you a stay-at-home mom or a working mom? 约翰:我们来谈谈女性在社会中的角色。你是全职妈妈还是职场妈妈? Sarah:Well, I guess I'm both. Right now, I'm on maternity leave and I'm on month six of maternity leave. ...