The phrasestay in your lanemeans “to mind your own business” or “stick with what you know and are good at.” Where does stay in your lane come from? Stay in your laneis a metaphor. It uses driving lanes, the lines of which drivers typically stay between for safety’s sake, to p...
SEE ALSO: How to curate your Instagram Reels to show you content you actually like In one Reddit thread titled "Okay, we get it. Your feed is entirely ads," dozens of users complain about their Instagrams feeds have become a steady stream of ads. User HireLaneKiffin comments, "60 per...
When a violent wind storm brought down our tree in downtown Colorado Springs, we’d no more emerged from our (shattered, glass) back door, than there were two neighbors there, chainsaws in hand, going “Hey, need help?” When we rode out Hurricane Hugo in Charlotte, lo these many yea...
But here, my split end had the ball before I even knew what was going on, much less the AI defense, and I still gaffed North Carolina for a 15-yard run by outrunning the coverage and picking a straight lane once I came around end. Go State! That leads me to a second point: ...
▲ kkOma ordering Huni to "Don't try to make a play" became a meme in some community. Recently, you were in the spotlight of the community for playing Renekton with the Conqueror rune. I think he can be useful if used on stage -- not as a first-pick though. I...