Stay Focused手机锁定,Stay Focused手机锁定(全方位控制)是一个非常实用的锁定的工具。可以帮助您全面控制手机,尤其是对于那些自我控制较弱的用户而言。此电话锁定程序可以阻止电话和各种网站中的程序。
Stay Focusedapp Stay Focused - App Blocker & Website Blocker是一个自我控制、提升工作效率和应用使用情况跟踪应用,它能够帮忙你根据限定应用、网站和关键词的使用来集中注意力。您能够通过自己定义的条件来阻止应用程序,网站和关键字! 除了网站屏蔽和应用屏蔽,您还能够对您的整体手机使用量进行限定。
Unlock your peak productivity and regain control over your digital life with Stay Focused: App Blocker – the ultimate solution for screen time management and se…
Unlock your peak productivity and regain control over your digital life with Stay Focused: App Blocker – the ultimate solution for screen time management and se…
Stayfocusedpro工作专注软件是一款利用番茄工作算法让用户能够有效提高工作效率的软件,使用软件可以有效的将工作任务和时间进行管理,同时Stayfocusedpro还有备忘录功能,能够在特定时间提醒用户该做某事,是一款功能非常强大的提高。 Stayfocused pro(工作专注软件)是一款利用番茄工作算法让用户能够有效提高工作效率的软件,使用软...
Sharp can analyze your work or study environment in real-time and accurately tell the difference between times where you are focused and times where you are dis…
Stay-focused App 是V2EX网友@P233 利用Javascript 编写的一款小巧的Mac效率工具,自带任务计时器,可创建无限数量的Task,使用 Voice Notice k可在剩余时间是 5 的倍数时报时提醒,开启 Metronome 可以每过一段时间放出滴嗒提醒声,3 Mins 的意思是“当剩余时间是 3 的倍数时提醒”,而不是从计时后的第 3 分钟开始...
the app to be very efficient and helpful. It would begood to have a more detailed history based on the number of hours spent in a day, instead of the number of blocks(since you can change the amount of time you spend on each block, which makes some blocks longer than the others)....
AppBlock is also available for iOS and Android devices, where you can block entire apps in addition to websites to streamline your experience by blocking on all your devices. AppBlock, stay focused, stay productive!显示更多 用户评价 排序方式 最近添加评论 Z ZHIBIN 2024年8月18日very good ...
Stay Focused Chrome插件1.0.3 系统位数:64软件大小:1.8M更新时间:2021-07-27 支持系统:WinAll 软件厂商: 立即下载普通下载,速度较慢安全下载安装360安全卫士 软件介绍 更新日志 为您推荐:视频 软件介绍 StayFocusedChrome插件是一个开源的Chrome扩展,你可以屏蔽网站列表、看到有趣的图片回到工作状态、设置锁定禁用回答...