1. (at home)→ quedarse en casa, no salir 2. (after school)→ quedarse (depués de las clases)I was made to stay in (after school)→ me hicieron quedarme después de las clases3. (in place) the filling only stayed in for a week→...
你的意思是...? staycate staycation staycationing staycations stayed stayedly stayedness stayer stayers English - Pronunciation enPR:stā,IPA(key):/steɪ/ Rhymes:-eɪ English - Etymology FromMiddleEnglish*stay,fromOldEnglishstæġ(“stay,aropesupportingamast”),fromProto-Germanic*stagą(...
1. (liter) (= release) [+ animal]→ soltar; [+ prisoner]→ poner en libertad, soltarthey loosed the dogs on him→ le soltaron los perros 2. (= fire) (also loose off) [+ arrow, missile]→ lanzar; [+ gun, cannon]→ dispararto loose (off) a volley of abuse at sb→ soltar ...
stay(v.1) mid-15c.,steien, transitive, "detain, hold back," from Old Frenchestai-, stem ofestare"to stay or stand," from Latinstare"to stand, stand still, remain standing; be upright, be erect; stand firm, stand in battle; abide; be unmovable; be motionless; remain, tarry, linge...
Native speaker that also speak SLOVAK AND CZECH and teaches DIRECT METHOD FOR ENGLISH!!!7 years ago Contact tutor7 years ago Hi Shirely =) past participle of stay is stayed.I hope this helps. Andi =) The answer is: 👍 Helpful(1) 💡 Interesting(0) 😄 Funny(0) 🤔 Confusing(0...
Stay ontop till we knock you off opensubtitles2 It'sstaying ontop. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 “I’d like her tostay onher present shift. Literature I'd still like tostay onas consigliere. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Planon staying onthe roadwith your folks?
main(adj.) early 13c., "notably large, bulky, or strong" (a sense now obsolete), from Old Englishmægen-"power, strength, force," used in compounds (such asmægensibb"great love,"mægenbyrðen"heavy burden;" seemain(n.)), probably also in part from or influenced by cognat...
in the cool of the evening→ en el frescor de la tardeto keep sth in the cool→ guardar algo en un lugar fresco 2. (= calm) to keep/lose one's cool→ no perder/perder la calma C. VT 1. [+ brow, room]→ refrescar; [+ engine]→ refrigerar; [+ hot food or drink]→ dejar...
[Latin apparātus, preparation, from past participle of apparāre, to prepare : ad-, ad- + parāre, to prepare; see perə- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Pub...
to stay at home→ quedarse en casavideo recorders are here to stay→ los vídeos no son una simple moda pasajerato stay in bed→ guardar camato stay put (on spot)→ no moverse; (in same house, city, job)→ quedarsedid you stay till the end of the speeches?→ ¿te quedaste hasta...