By helping UG you make the world better... and earn IQCreate correction Please rate this tab Stay – Rihanna Font−1+1 Chords Autoscroll Transpose−1+1 Print Report bad tab 2 comments Send I played it with my capo on the second fret and personally liked how it sounded:) +1emmacla...
Jerry Lee Lewis was another titan of the golden era of rock’n’roll. There was a swagger and self-abandon to his performing style – he was even known to set pianos on fire with lighter fluid and use his feet to play some chords. He had three massive hits in the 50s, including ...
with the cinematographer John de Borman pouring on the saturated colors and the appealing shadows.” Though Moretz “has a way of hitting one note, hard, rather than working in chords, in her scenes with Blackley, who nearly makes the dreamy love interest a human being, some emotional truth...
大意就是:著名的猎魔大师——污 26524 时针逆转吧 时针逆转 『1995』Guitar Chords,I figured them out on my own.这些chords都是以前我自己找的。。总结一下。。。 而且这些都是超级简单的。。。算是能在网上找到的最简单的和弦了。。 但是不如其他那些复杂的和弦听起来involved... 但是这些比较适合初学者。