配件:Stax Lambda Nova Siganature是耳机,有包装盒子和说明书。SRM-T1S是静电二房,箱说,说明书,...
This SRM-T1 was Stax' first tube-output amplifier. It was replaced in 1993 by the SRM-T1S which debuted with the first SR-Omega. The SRM-T1S is the same as ths SRM-T1, except for a switchable input selector. Specifications top
Stax SR-Omega earspeakers and SRM-T1S drive amp.Evaluates the Stax SR-Omega electrostatic earspeakers and the SRM-T1S drive amp. Specifications; Earphone evaluation.LongEdwardM.Audio
SRM-T1S:The SRM-T1S can be considered the "standard" model; it was the amplifier TJN used in his review of the $6000 Omega S system. It's quite deep (14" from volume control to RCA input), but only 8" wide and 4" tall. The front two-thirds of the top plate is perforated for...
STAX声的诗SRM-727ii静电耳机放大器SRM-600 SRM-717 SRM-400S SRM-700 srm-t1ssrm-313 srm-l700mk2 srm-212 srm-1mk2 srm-007 SRM静电耳放维修不开机不通电 偏音 失真 无声音 杂音故障维修#k2#212#R 连播 倍速 视频播放出错了 点击下载截图
Stax supplements their amplifier line with the tube-typeStax SRM-T1. 1989 TheSRM-1/MK-2 PP("Pro-Pro") had both of its outputs supplied with the 580 V (5-pin) bias voltages. 1993 The new tube-typeSRM-T1Sdebuts with the first SR-Omega. ...
这产品有长久历史,从T1开始,然后T1S和006t. 现时我们使用两台在产型号作参考:SRM-727A和SRM-007tA放大器传说中的SRM-T2放大器12.Stax几乎是世界上唯一生产静电耳机的厂家,你们觉得这是因为优秀的静电耳机需要由少数有丰富经验的人才做的出,还是说是因为生产问题(如电极板误差的精度要求)?[Mr. Sasaki]是的,这...
我没听过Omega,所以只能用手头的009和ES1A对比,我的设备如下: 电处:Reimyo ALS-777 音源:Jeff Rowland Aeris 前级:Krell Evolution 222 耳放:Stax SRM-T8000 及 Headamp GS-X MK2 耳机:Stax SR-009及ES1A 及 ATH-L5000 线材 哦嗯是 6-21 0 [公告]关于撤销 zcyandrew333 吧主管理权限的说明 贴吧...
"a more relaxed, more natural, yet more subtly detailed" presentation. Major Tom had performed his review with Stax's SRM-T1S tube amplifier; the Omega II is available with either (or both!) of two new amplifiers/"energizers"—the SRM-007t tubed driver or the SRM-717 solid-state ...