Statute Of Limitations For Tax Penalties and RefundsThe statute of limitations is a law limiting the time after an actionable event for which any party can file suit over the event. The purpose of the law is to prevent stale claims, when witnesses may be difficult to locate or evidence may...
SOL on tax refunds. (statute of limitations)Holub, Steven F
A statute of limitations is a law that defines the maximum amount of time in which parties involved in a dispute must initiate legal proceedings following an alleged offense. The duration of a statute of limitations varies depending on the nature of the offense and the location of the jurisdicti...
The statute of limitations does not apply in the case of a false tax return or fraudulent tax return filed with the IRS with intent to evade any tax. Claiming Refunds.The three year statute cited above also applies to refunds. So let’s say you neglected to file your 2005 income tax ret...