17世纪初,在证据法不发达的时代,当事人也很难提供适格的证人,为了减少合同欺诈,英国国会通过了《防止欺诈与伪证法》(Act for the Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries),一般被称为《防止欺诈法》(Statute of Frauds,SOF)。 不过由于诸多原因,英国国会于1954年废除了《防止欺诈法》的大多数条文,只保留了其中部分...
The statute of frauds is a legal doctrine requiring that certain types of contracts be in written form. The most common contracts covered by the statute of frauds include the sale of land, agreements involving goods worth $500 or more, and contracts lasting one year or more.12 The purpose o...
Statute_of_frauds(美国反欺诈法)Statute of frauds From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The meaning of STATUTE OF FRAUDS is law enacted in England in 1677 to prevent fraud and perjuries by parties seeking to hold another to an alleged obligation. The original law is the basis of statutes that have been enacted in all U.S. states. It require
statute of frauds n. law in every state which requires that certain documents be in writing, such as real property titles and transfers (conveyances), leases for more than a year, wills, and some types of contracts. The original statute was enacted in England in 1677 to prevent fraudulent ...
A parol lease of land for one year, to commence at a future date, is within the statute. The Court had to decide whether Plaintiffs could recover for expenses incurred and time lost on the faith of a contract that is unenforceable u...
oneyear,land, executor,goods,surety;orMarriage,oneyear,land,executor,guarantor, sale. Contents [hide] 1Terminology 2Raisingthedefense 3UniformCommercialCode 4EnglandandWales 5Exceptions 6Seealso 7References 8Externallinks [edit]Terminology ThetermstatuteoffraudscomesfromanEnglishActofParliament(29 Chas.2...
Statute of Frauds Effect of the Statute of Frauds “The” statute of frauds (“the” because each state has one) requires that certain contracts be in writing in order to be enforceable (subject to the exceptions noted below). The statute specifies categories of contracts that must be in wri...
Define Statute of frauds. Statute of frauds synonyms, Statute of frauds pronunciation, Statute of frauds translation, English dictionary definition of Statute of frauds. an English statute , the principle of which is incorporated in the legislation of al
The Statute of Frauds, and the One Year Rule A Legal Illusion (with B. Levin)Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksIllinois Bar JournalMichael Spak