Monitoring-We're aware of an issue that is preventing the canary desktop client on macOS from starting. We've rolled back the change to the client but if you are currently unable to start the canary client on macOS, we recommend re-downloading the canary client:
You can create a custom message by selectingSet a custom messageat the bottom of the status options. Enter your message and add a discord or your own emoji. You can set a time if you want the message to disappear after an amount of time. Your updated message will display to everyone o...
OnMessage(0x5556, "nm_sendHeartbeat")discord.SendEmbed("Connected to Discord!", 5066239)planters := {} planters["blueclayplanter"] := {"bitmap": Gdip_BitmapFromBase64("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACgAAAAoCAMAAAC7IEhfAAAB2lBMVEUAAAAeHh42NjY1NTUyMjIoKCgkJCQaGho1NTU2NjYzMzM0NDQzMz...
Spotify Discord Status Updater This is a flask server, that fetches the current song played on your Spotify account and updates your Discord status to reflect the same Getting Started 1. Environment Variables You will need a Spotify application API Client ID and Client Secret in order to run th...
Have you used it before? Share your experience in the comments! Related Posts How to Fix When Spotify is Not Showing as Your Status on Discord How to Hide Your Online Status on WhatsApp Discord Screen Share no Audio – The Top PC & Mobile Fixes How to Share Your Spotify Playlist...
(1000ms is equal to 1 Second.) Due to the Discord API rules, to prevent spam, you can only update your bot status minimal every 15 seconds You must update your status every X seconds. Your code that you are using right now just updated when the bot is ready. To do this you must ...
Collapse group Third Party Services Operational Third Party: Cloudflare Network - Operational Third Party: Cloudflare Network Operational Third Party: Discord API - Operational Third Party: Discord API Operational Third Party: Github Packages - Operational Third Party: Github Packages OperationalRecent...
Add subscriber Add a subscriber to a page. Add team member Add a member to your team on a page. Add template Create a template for a page. Create component Creates a component on a page. Create status page Create a new status page based on your requested parameters. Delete component De...
Apart from all that, you can also join the official and non-official Roblox groups on Discord and Reddit, as that is where players often talk about server issues, performance and technical issues, new features, and that keeps you up to date with the platform. Those were all the details ...
1.Open the Discord desktop app or the web app. Now click on thecog iconbeside the username at the bottom left corner to open Settings. 2.It opens Discord user settings. Select theConnectionsoption in the left sidebar to connect with Spotify. ...