SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi all BW friends , what is the purpose of STATUS_TEXT_EDIT ,where should i provide the objnr to get the status , actually i need objnr to return u the status code..whether complete or outstanding. any one , kindly explain me in detail and clearl...
When you create the status icon in the Screen Painter, a placeholder appears on the screen. You must specify the icon itself and its text and quickinfo text in the PBO event of your ABAP program.In order to define the icon in your ABAP program, you must create a field with the same ...
TYPE tt_sel_tab,lt_table TYPE STANDARDTABLEOF zorder_guid.SELECTstsma stonrINTOCORRESPONDING FIELDS OFTABLElt_tj30FROMtj30.LOOP AT lt_tj30 ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<tj30>).AT NEW stsma.lv_valid_found=abap_false.ENDAT.IF<tj30>-stonrISNOTINITIAL.lv_valid_found=abap_true.ENDIF....
By changing the status from rejected to planned, you can edit the object. Integration There are two ways you can change the status applied to objects and infotype records, in Organizational Plan: Run the report RHAKTI00 ( Change Object Status) for selected objects or infotype records. Change ...
在分析定位问题时,不由得让我怀念起以前在ABAP On-Premise上做开发的一个便利之处——大多数问题都可以通过在ABAP应用服务器端调试来找到根源。 本文记录了2016年时,SAP成都研究院CRM开发团队在开发SAP CRM Fiori应用时的一些技术讨论,关于HTTP请求的响应状态码的差异。
首先进行第一轮测试。将来自SAP UI5标准库文件的url粘贴到浏览器里访问:https://:7080/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/resources/~20160308134900~/sap/fiori/core-min-0.js。得到HTTP 200状态码。上图高亮的HTTP响应头部字段,比如last-modified,是在ABAP服务器上哪段代码里被填充的?通过灵活运用...
这段ABAP 程序的主要作用是从两个 SAP CRM 数据表中检索数据,并将符合特定条件的数据插入到一个自定义的数据表中。程序中还包括一些控制逻辑,用于选择符合条件的数据和执行提交操作。 让我详细解释这段程序的功能以及提供一个示例: 程序开始: REPORT zstatus_initial_load.:这一行指定了程序的名称。
SAP ABAP应用服务器的HTTP响应状态码(Status Code),最近Jerry参与了SAPCommerceCloud的标准开发,我们调用微软云平台Azure上创建LambdaFunction的RestfulAPI来创建LambdaFunction:在开发过程
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, PLM Quality Management (QM) Hi Guys, Anybody has any idea as to what is the table for the system status of inspection lot? Where the status is stored?? Would greatly appreciate your inputs. Thanks ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI BLUE SKY, As i know ,there are two function modules 1.status_text _edit. 2.Read_text.By using both of these function modules you can retrive system status as well as long text. if you have any specific requirment to get long text using notif num...