Status Quo Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Idioms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. [Latin, The existing state of things at any given date.]Status quo ante bellummeans the state of things before the war. Thestatus quoto be preserved by a preliminary injunction is the last actual, peaceable, uncontested...
Much of the rich music, the “sorrow songs” that came out of these slave cabins reflects this as well (see DuBois, 1903: Chapter XIV). It is in this context that Weber (2015a/1922: 52) writes that to sustain segregation and the status quo,“[T]he Stand itself creates ‘purebreds...
Much of the rich music, the "sorrow songs" that came out of these slave cabins reflects this as well (see DuBois, 1903: Chapter XIV). It is in this context that Weber (2015a/1922: 52) writes that to sustain segregation and the status quo, "[T]he Stand itself creates 'purebreds' ...
"Even the policemen who stopped us at security checkpoints also knew her... we were so happy to see a woman driving a taxi." "I am old now and I get tired. It's hard for me to drive all the time but what can I do? My sons don't help," she said. "If I had a chance I...
the lower rankedStand(that is, nurses) are paid less and are assumed to be less competent, whereas the higher rankedStand(that is, doctors) are paid better and assumed to have special competencies—even if they do not. The ideologies of the two professions reflect these hierarchical relationshi...