Medical Diagnostic Codes (1). One research study used the presence of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th edition (ICD-10) codes from patient health records to detect depression56. Some papers (33/75) took the results of the initial proxy asses...
(i.e., reliability in excess of 99.7%), because of high standard industrial equipment, backup chillers, and the availability of professional, ongoing operation and maintenance support, and longer life span (i.e., 25–30 years) than for conventional on-site air-conditioners (i.e., 10–15 ...
According to the framework of adaptive governance of water resources, a frame of adaptive governance of water resources is established, as shown in Figure 10. This management frame is composed of several stakeholders who jointly set targets for water resource management based on complex factors, ...
The imaging was performed 2 h post injection in order to decrease the kidney uptake and allow visualization of the pancreas tail. In the subsequent prospective study the authors explored the potential of 68Ga-NOTA-exendin-4 Pharmaceuticals 2017, 10, 30 9 of 22 PET/CT for the detection of ...
5.2.1. Imaging Sequences in MRI Imaging sequences are ordered depending upon clinical indication, i.e., fat suppression for orbital post contrast study [39], fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) for white matter lesions [40], gradient recall echo (GRE) for hemorrhages [41], diffusion...
Post-depositional redistribution of trace metals in reservoir sediments of a mining/smelting-impacted watershed (the Lot River, SW France). Appl. Geochem. 2010, 25, 778–794. [CrossRef] 18. Grosbois, C.; Courtin-Nomade, A.; Martin, F.; Bril, H. Transportation and evolution of trace ...
Sohlo,rdt-Cuirecutiot Tirtasnesfxerplosion and strong overheating, and it is directly transferred to the molten pooTlh.e dSrhopolrett-act itrhceutiiptotfrtahenwsfeeldringgewnireerias lilnyshoocrtc-cuirrcsuitincontthacet wwitehltdhienmgolpternocess of low voltage and plooowl, dcuue rtoreit...
One-way ANOVA with the post hoc test of Student Newman–Keuls (SNK) was used to reveal significant (p < 0.05) spatial differences in the biochemical proxies of liver and muscle of salmon, and the percentage of lipid content. Differences in the concentrations and proportions of TotTh and its...
However, previous ginseng studies present miscellaneous results on anti-oxidant capacity [10]. It has been shown that metabolic action of ginseng could be changed in accordance with the ginsenoside profile at different seasons [11]. Cultivation methods, soil composition and species type are also ...