The meaning of STATUS is position or rank in relation to others. How to use status in a sentence.
Define legal status. legal status synonyms, legal status pronunciation, legal status translation, English dictionary definition of legal status. Noun 1. legal status - a status defined by law law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by author
The meaning of STATUS OFFENDER is a young offender (such as a runaway or a truant) who is under the jurisdiction of a court for repeated offenses that are not crimes.
Synonyms for status in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for status. 53 synonyms for status: position, rank, grade, degree, ranking, prestige, standing, authority, note, influence, weight, reputation, honour, importance... What are synonyms for status?
Looking for status? Find out information about status. Law the legal standing or condition of a person Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 any stable position within a... Explanation of status
However, differences were found when examining relative progress towards junior status after the second year of high school. An interim report on a pilot credit recovery program in a large, suburban Midwestern high school "He has come on in leaps and bounds and been particularly good in most ga...
Check 'achieved status' translations into Chinese. Look through examples of achieved status translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
DSR - Daily Status Report. Looking for abbreviations of DSR? It is Daily Status Report. Daily Status Report listed as DSR
Definition of Conscientious Objector Status in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Conscientious Objector Status? Meaning of Conscientious Objector Status as a legal term. What does Conscientious Objector St
Share on Facebook status consistency and inconsistency the situation of either being ranked consistently across a range of status criteria(status consistencyorstatus congruence),or being ranked inconsistently(status inconsistencyorstatus incongruence),e.g. blacks or Hispanics in high status occupations. Som...