The status of world oil reserves is a contentious issue, polarised between advocates of peak oil who believe production will soon decline, and major oil companies that say there is enough oil to last for decades.In reality, much of the disagreement can be resolved through clear definition of ...
The USD’s share of global reserve currencies has seen a lot of turmoil between 1978 through 1991, when the share collapsed from 85% to 46%, after inflation exploded in the US in the late 1970s, and the world lost confidence in the Fed’s abil...
Since 1965, the USD’s share of global reserve currencies has gone through a tumultuous history, including the collapse of its share starting in 1978 through 1991 from 85% to 46%. This came after inflation exploded in the US in the late 1970s, and the world lost...
The meeting was a prelude to the 7th GECF summit, scheduled for Saturday, in the Algerian capital, where heads of state and government, as well as other senior officials and experts, will discuss the role of natural gas in the global energy transition. Algerian Energy and Mines Minister Moham...
entitled Global Status Report on Road Safety: Time for Action, which provides the first assessment of the road safety situation at the global level and highlights the fact that half of all road traffic [...] 确认世界卫生组织发表了《道路安全 全球 现 状报 告: 行动 ...
Status of Fossil Energy Resources: A Global Perspectiveconsumptionenvironmental impactsfossil fuelsproductionreservesuseThis article deals with recently status of global fossil energy sources. Fossil energy sources have been split into three categories: oil, coal, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are highly ...
The dollar’s share of global trade and global reserves is guaranteed to decline even further. Even US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen conceded last fall that the dollar is destined to lose ground globally as countries “diversify” their risks. ...
Such rise in worlds҆ population is the key reason for global poverty1. Therefore, eradication of starvation should be a policy priority for countries. Now, increase in crops҆ yield in the cultivated area may be the most realistic solution to meet increasing global demand for crops. However...
Knowledge of marine species diversity is incomplete, with only 11% of species described. Nonetheless, marine biodiversity is clearly under threat, and habitat destruction and overexploitation represent the greatest stressors to threatened marine species. Claims that global marine extinction rates are ...
The pound’s history as one of the most important global currencies has meant central banks have long held assets denominated in pounds that can be sold quickly to help curb swings in their own currency’s exchange rates. But a poll byCentral Banking Publications, a trade journal, suggests it...