Custom Workflow 5: No Status – Not Started – in Progress – At Risk – Failed – Completed This custom workflow allows to set the following statuses for your tasks: No Status If the task is marked as „No Status", it means the status of this status is undefined. Not Started...
Current state of the cloning operation. Values includeNot Started,In Progress,Completed, andFailed. BEGIN_TIME A timestamp in'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fraction]'format that shows when the cloning operation started. END_TIME A timestamp in'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fraction]'format that shows whe...
Represents that the long-running operation is in progress and not yet complete. NOT_STARTED public static final LongRunningOperationStatus NOT_STARTED Represents that polling has not yet started for this long-running operation. SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED ...
public static final LongRunningOperationStatus IN_PROGRESS Represents that the long-running operation is in progress and not yet complete.NOT_STARTED public static final LongRunningOperationStatus NOT_STARTED Represents that polling has not yet started for this long-running operation.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED ...
{"status_code":200,"index_name":"wiki","storage_name":"styzw4pkgwycpyy","status":"failed","percent_complete":75.0,"progress":"12 out of 16 workflows completed successfully."} The job automatically reran, and this time I received the following result: {"status_code":200,"index_name":...
This class is not available in .NET 5 and later versions. Use the StatusStrip control instead.Typically, a StatusBar control consists of StatusBarPanel objects, each of which displays text and/or an icon. You can also provide owner-drawn panels to provide custom panels such as a progress ...
201CreatedThe client request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. 202AcceptedThe client request has been accepted for processing, but the processing hasn't been completed. 203Nonauthoritative informationThe client request was successful but the enclosed conten...
getClass,notify,notifyAll,wait,wait,wait Enum Constant Detail NOT_STARTED public static finalApplicationProgressStatusNOT_STARTED IN_PROGRESS public static finalApplicationProgressStatusIN_PROGRESS COMPLETED public static finalApplicationProgressStatusCOMPLETED...
StatusYesStringTask status, valid values includeunstart(migration has not started),migrating(migration in progress),finish(migration completed) orfail(migration failed). TaskIdYesStringTask ID, such as msp-jitoh33n 3. Output Parameters Parameter NameTypeDescription ...
STATUS_DRIVE_NOT_IN_LIBRARY Explanation:Thedrive_idspecified in the request is syntactically valid, but is not in the current configuration. This status is common to all ACSAPI request functions. STATUS_DRIVE_OFFLINE Explanation:The request cannot be completed because the specified drive_id is eith...