Set a status message in Teams to let others know what you're up to! Whether you're out of office or simply want to share a message for your contacts to see, status messages are a great way to communicate. Note: If you have a status message set in Teams, it will not show your ...
I am in need of a way to block certain words from being able to be used in status messages. Is there a way to prevent certain words from being used in status messages? Or any way to audit status messages for certain words so we can notify users to change their status? Thank you!
In Microsoft Teams (free) you can change your status or set a status message. Set your status message in Microsoft Teams (free): Tap yourprofile pictureor More. TapSet status message. Type your status message. You can choose to @mention people specifically, choose toShowwhe...
This year Microsoft enabled setting the Presence Status Message in Microsoft Teams API: But I could not find the option "Show when
Maximum number of teams was exceeded. No team data will be returned for this team. MaxTeamFieldsExceeded = 3 Maximum number of team fields (ie Area paths) have been exceeded. No team data will be returned for this team. BacklogInError = 4 Backlog does not exist or is missing crucial...
public String message() Get the message property: The detailed status message, including for alerts and error messages. Returns: the message value.time public OffsetDateTime time() Get the time property: The time of the status. Returns: the time
We are seeing a strange issue where users of Teams have their status shown as 'status unknown'. In our organisation this only seems to be affecting users who...
public String message() Get the message property: The detailed status message, including for alerts and error messages. Returns: the message value.time public OffsetDateTime time() Get the time property: The time of the status. Returns: the time
WndProc(Message) 处理Windows 消息。事件展开表 AutoSizeChanged 此事件与此类无关。 (继承自 Control) BackColorChanged 当BackColor 属性的值更改时发生。 BackgroundImageChanged 在BackgroundImage 属性的值更改后发生。 BackgroundImageLayoutChanged 当BackgroundImageLayout 属性的值更改时发生。 BindingContext...
WndProc(Message) 处理Windows 消息。事件展开表 AutoSizeChanged 此事件与此类无关。 (继承自 Control) BackColorChanged 当BackColor 属性的值更改时发生。 BackgroundImageChanged 在BackgroundImage 属性的值更改后发生。 BackgroundImageLayoutChanged 当BackgroundImageLayout 属性的值更改时发生。 BindingContext...