Meierkord H,Boon P,Engelsen B,et al.EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus. European Journal of Neurology . 2006EFNS. EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus. European Federation of Neurological Societies - Medical Specialty Society. 2006 May. 6 pages. NGC:...
New Guideline on Managing Status Epilepticus ReleasedDa Hee HanPharmD
( 2010 ) EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus in adults . Eur J Neurol 17 : 348 – 355 .Meierkord H, Boon P, Engelsen B, Göcke K, Shorvon S, Tinuper P, Holtkamp M: EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus in adults. Eur J Neurol 2010, 17 (...
In "Association of guideline publication and delays to treatment in pediatric status epilepticus," Fernandez et al. reported that despite publication of evidence of delays in treatment of refractory status epilepticus (SE) in the Pediatric Status Epilepticus Research Group (pSERG) at the end of ...
It mentions that the AES will follow the same format of 1993 guideline of Epilepsy Foundation of America for the acute treatment like testing of anticonvulsant drug. It also presents the views of James Riviello, Director of Pediatric Neurology at New York University Langone Medical Center, on ...
1093: Treatment Guideline Adherence in Children Transferred for Status Epilepticusdoi:10.1097/01.ccm.0000730260.03788.84Philpott, NataliaPhilpott, DavidDante, SiddharthaHenderson, EricBhatia, PoojaCostabile, PhilomenaKlein, BruceNoje, CorinaCritical Care Medicine...
Background This retrospective study analyzed benzodiazepine usage patterns in relation to guideline recommendations for the treatment of generalized convulsive status epilepticus (GCSE) as practiced by emergency medical services (EMS) and the emergency department (ED) of an inner-city hospital. Secondary ...
EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus in adults. Eur J Neurol 2010;17:348-355.H. Meierkord,P. Boon,B. Engelsen,K. G?cke,S. Shorvon,P. Tinuper,M. Holtkamp.EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus in adults.European Jour...
Meierkord, H., Boon, P., Engelsen, B., Gocke, K., Shorvon, S., Tinuper, P., & Holtkamp, M. (2010). EFNS guide- line on the management of status epilepticus in adults. European Journal of Neurology, 17(3), 348-355.
1362: NEW-ONSET REFRACTORY STATUS EPILEPTICUS: RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPING A PRACTICE GUIDELINEdoi:10.1097/01.ccm.0001104112.37081.0bMatthew HartThomas Jefferson University HospitalKiddy UmeThomas Jefferson University HospitalsLippincott Williams & WilkinsCritical Care Medicine...