Why has the status date changed while the status remains unchanged at "Editor Assigned"? My paper's status changed from 'under review' to 'editor assigned.' What does it mean? What does the status Editor Assigned mean after two revisions? Hope that helps. All the best for the next...
2.8号投了springer下的一个期刊,到现在两周了状态一直是editor assigned,但是status date 在13号和20...
投了Springer 的 一个期刊,Editor Assigned 状态未变,已经持续一个月了。但是Status Date变了,嘛意思?
Why has the status date changed while the status remains unchanged at "Editor Assigned"? Confirm that you would also like to sign up for free personalized email coaching for this stage. Confirm that you would also like to sign up for free personalized email c...
共1个回答 无期警官,设备工程师 2019-08-23回答 大部分期刊投稿平台上的信息比邮件通知多,重要的信息如审稿意见有时会同时发邮件通知。Associate Editor Assigned,在等副主编分配审稿人,需要时间确定审稿人,所以会等段时间,如果长期保持这个阶段,发邮件或者通过投稿平台问问编辑部吧。 10 评论0 举报 ...
重要的信息如审稿意见有时会同时发邮件通知。Associate Editor Assigned,在等副主编分配审稿人,需要时间...
重要的信息如审稿意见有时会同时发邮件通知。Associate Editor Assigned,在等副主编分配审稿人,需要时间...
4月14号提交的修改稿,显示4月16号under review,status date日期在5月8号的时候从4月16变成了5月8...
Hello. I recently submitted a paper to one of the BMC journals. After two days, the status changed to 'Editor Assigned.' Two days later, it changed to 'Reviewer Assigned.' Is this a good sign, or bad? What's your opinion? 1Answer to this question ...