比如我们请求一个网页页面,可是服务器不存在这个页面,或者这个页面被转移到其它地方,或者服务器禁止我们查看 这个页面等等,所以为了便于浏览器处理这些正确与不正确的情况,HTTP用Status codes来表示请求(HTTP Request)在服务器端被处理的情况。Status codes通过应答(HTTP Response)返回给浏览器,浏览器根据这个作相应的处理...
该代码是响应客户端的 HTTPHeader("Upgrade 标头发送的,并且指示服务器也正在切换的协议。 102 Processing (Glossary("WebDAV)) 此代码表示服务器已收到并正在处理该请求,但没有响应可用。 103 Early Hints 此状态代码主要用于与HTTPHeader("Link 链接头一起使用,以允许用户代理在服务器仍在准备响应时开始预加载资源。
参见:HTTP基本认证、HTTP摘要认证 类似于403 Forbidden,401语义即“未认证”,即用户没有必要的凭据。[32]该状态码表示当前请求需要用户验证。该响应必须包含一个适用于被请求资源的WWW-Authenticate信息头用以询问用户信息。客户端可以重复提交一个包含恰当的Authorization头信息的请求。[33]如果当前请求已经包含了Authoriza...
The 4xx codes are intended for cases in which the client seems to have erred, and the 5xx codes for the cases in which the server is aware that the server has erred. It is impossible to distinguish these cases in general, so the difference is only informational. The body section may ...
that is called an HTTP Request. When a server receives that request, it sends back an HTTP Response, with information for the client. Usually, this is invisible, though I'm sure you've seen one of the very common Response codes - 404, indicating a page was not found. There are a fai...
常见HTTP Status codes简介 下面简单介绍一下我们经常碰到的HTTP Status codes。 也许是我孤陋寡闻,常遇到的HTTP Status codes就那么几个,见笑啦。 Successful 200 - OK:OK 这个是最常见的啦(也许我们不会直接看到,但是如果您使用一些抓包工具,大多数http应答中都有这个)。意义很简单,就是说服务器收到并理解客户端...
HTTP response status codes HTTP 响应状态代码指示特定HTTP请求是否已成功完成。响应分为五类: 信息响应 成功响应 重定向 客户端错误 服务器错误 信息响应(1xx) 100 Continue: 这个临时响应表明,迄今为止的所有内容都是可行的,客户端应该继续请求,如果已经完成,则忽略它。
These constants and corresponding values indicate HTTP status codes returned by servers on the Internet.HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE 100 The request can be continued. HTTP_STATUS_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS 101 The server has switched protocols in an upgrade header. HTTP_STATUS_OK 200 The request completed ...
The following table shows the constants and corresponding values for the HTTP status codes returned by servers on the Internet.Expand table ConstantDescription HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE (100) The request can be continued. HTTP_STATUS_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS (101) The server has switched protocols in an upgrade...
HTTP Status CodesThe Supabase platform offers several HTTP APIs for each project. These APIs can use the status codes to indicate the state of the project, and the request being processed. The status codes returned for requests can be access via the logs explorer.2...