TimelineRecordState TimelineRecordsUpdatedEvent TimelineReference TimelineReference TimelineTeamData TimelineTeamIteration TimelineTeamStatus TimelineTeamStatusCode TimeZone TimeZoneList TimingEntry TimingGroup TitleDescriptionUpdatedEvent Tool TraceFilter TreeNodeStructureType TreeStructureGroup UnpackagedExtensionData Unsup...
Status status = authMan.acquireUser(name, &updatedUser); switch (status.code()) { case ErrorCodes::OK: { // Success! Replace the old User object with the updated one. fassert(17067, _authenticatedUsers.replaceAt(it, updatedUser) == user); authMan.releaseUser(user); user = updatedUser...
Status codes for nearby connections results. Constant Summary int API_CONNECTION_FAILED_ALREADY_IN_USE Error code upon trying to connect to the Nearby Connections API via Google Play Services. int MISSING_PERMISSION_ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION The Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permissi...
The rule is configured to be executed before the output user cache gets updated. 500.100 Internal ASP error. An error occurs during the processing of an Active Server Pages (ASP) page. To obtain more specific information about the error, disable friendly HTTP error messages in the we...
Status updated Actual result Status not updated Additional information I don't understand this change introduced in 2.4.7 : #36562 private function getOrderStatus(string $orderStatus, string $historyStatus): string { return ($orderStatus === Order::STATE_PROCESSING || $orderStatus === Order:...
Explanation: The value that is specified in the identifier type parameter of the control information field is incorrect; for example, the ID type says it is an SAP but the identifier is a filter. X'3004' Incorrect primitive Explanation: The value that is specified in the primitive code para...
412 Precondition FailedYesIf-Unmodified-Since header was used on request. OR The entity tag value on the If-Match header does not match the entity tag for the object being updated.Yes 417 Expectation FailedNoExpect header received which did not have value "100-continue".No ...
Status code indicating other generic errors for the media request. Constant Value:2104 public static final intMESSAGE_SEND_BUFFER_TOO_FULL Status code indicating that a message could not be sent because there is not enough room in the send buffer at this time. ...
@ddobrinHey, I just updated the status doc in light-doc. Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Contributor ddobrincommentedFeb 25, 2019via email Yes, noticed it. … Sorry, something went wrong. DSchrupertrequested changesFeb 25, 2019 ...
The first digit of the status code defines the class of response. The last two digits don't have any categorization role. There are five values for the first digit: 1xx (Informational): Provisional response - the request was received, continuing process. ...