PUT or POST: The resource describing the result of the action is transmitted in the message body. TRACE: The message body contains the request message as received by the server 204 No Content There is no content to send for this request, but the headers may be useful. The user-agent may...
原始请求方法为 POST 时,重定向的请求还将使用 POST 方法。</summary> TemporaryRedirect = 307, // 0x00000133 /// <summary>等效于 HTTP 状态 400。<see cref="F:System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest" /> 指示服务器未能识别请求。如果没有其他适用的错误,或者如果不知道准确的错误或错误没有自己的错误...
Check the content size of the POST request from the client (the maximum size is 32 MB by default). 414 URL length exceeds the limit The maximum URL size is 2 KB by default. 423 Looping request Check the 301/302 configuration, HTTPS origin-pull, and rewriting method of the origin server...
RequestTimeout 408 用戶端未在伺服器預期要求的時間內傳送要求。 RequestUriTooLong 414 URI 太長。 ResetContent 205 用戶端應該重設 (不會重載目前資源) 。 SeeOther 303 自動將用戶端重新導向至 位置 標頭中指定的 URI,作為 POST的結果。 Location標頭所指定的資源要求將會使用GET方法進行。 ServiceUnavailable 50...
MethodNotAllowed 指示在要求的資源上不允許該要求方法 (POST 或 GET)。 MisdirectedRequest 421 相當於 HTTP 狀態 421。 MisdirectedRequest 指出要求已導向無法產生回應的伺服器。 Moved 301 相當於 HTTP 狀態 301。 Moved 指示要求的資訊已經移至 Location 標頭中指定的 URI。 在接收這個狀態時,預設動作會跟隨與...
If this is not a GET or HEAD request, the browser prohibits automatic redirection unless the users confirmation is made because the request condition may change accordingly. Note: for some browsers that use the HTTP/1.0 protocol, when the POST request they send gets a 301 response, the next ...
Contains(post_err.Error(), "connection reset by peer") || strings.Contains(post_err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") { glog.V(1).Infof("repeat error upload request %s: %v", option.UploadUrl, postErr) stats.FilerRequestCounter.WithLabelValues(stats.RepeatErrorUploadContent)....
FastAPI- routes: List[Route]+add_route()+get()+post()+put()+delete()Route- path: str- method: str- response_model: Type[Model]+handle_request()Response- status_code: int+set_cookie()+set_header() The class diagram above illustrates the relationships between theFastAPI,Route, andResponse...
Status code 405 SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED You could use this if, for example, you wanted to force the client to issue either GET or POST requests by returning this status code from the disallowed method (doGet() or doPost()): public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res...
another URI, specified by theLocation:HTTP Response header. This has the same semantics as the301 Moved PermanentlyHTTP response code, with the exception that the user agentmust notchange the HTTP method used: if aPOSTwas used in the first request, aPOSTmust be used in the second request. ...