While all the 5xx codes signify server-side errors, each has its unique meaning and use case. For instance, the 500 Internal Server Error is a catch-all response used when no more specific message is appropriate. On the other hand, the 503 Service Unavailable status code indicates that the ...
“404” code at some point. This is an HTTP response from the server of the website you are visiting, telling you that the requested URL is non-existent. The “404 Not Found” code is one of many HTTP response status codes, and each has a different meaning. The common trait they ...
This status code indicates that the resource is not permanently located at another URL. This will be specified by the Location: HTTP Response header. This is also like the 301 moved permanently response code, the exception that the user agent must not change the HTTP method used. If a POST ...
417 Expectation FailedThe server cannot meet the requirements specified in the Expect request header field 418 I’m a teapotThis code was defined in an April Fools’ Day RFC and is not meant to be taken seriously. 421 Misdirected RequestThe server is unable to produce a response for this req...
HTTP status code 完整的 HTTP 1.1规范说明书来自于RFC 2616,你可以在http://www.rfc-editor.org/在线查阅。HTTP 1.1的状态码被标记为新特性,因为许多浏览器只支持 HTTP 1.0。你应只把状态码发送给支持 HTTP 1.1的客户端,支持协议版本可以通过调用request.getRequestProtocol来检查。
Code Title Description 200 OK The request has succeeded. The specific meaning of the success is dependent on the HTTP method. 201 Created The request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. 202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing...
502 Bad GatewayYesDo not use. CICS does not act as a proxy or gateway. 503 Service UnavailableYesA user application is unlikely to be in a relevant situation to use this status code, unless it needs to access another application or system which is temporarily unavailable.Message body content...
This type of status code tells us that the client’s request was received, understood, and processed successfully. 200 OK A response to say that the request succeeded. The information included along with it will be dependent upon which method the request used, for instance: ...
A 203 status code means that the request was received and understood, and that information sent back about the response is from a third party, rather than the original server. This is virtually identical in meaning to a 200 status code. ...
The fourth class of codes is used when the client has made an error. The fifth class of status codes indicates that the server has made an error and is incapable of fulfilling an apparently valid request. Click on image to view at full size and find the embed code just below our HTTP ...