The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack (Http.sys) file blocks IIS from processing the request because of a problem in the request. Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in
If you useServerAgentto monitor the location health, this means that the ServerAgent is not running and should be restarted. 4059Ping failed (server not reporting)After your site has reached status code 4050, we will perform a “last-ditch” ping request if you have selected that option. Pi...
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack (Http.sys) file blocks IIS from processing the request because of a problem in the request. Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in
Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in the Http.sys file.IIS 7.0 and later versions define the following HTTP status codes that indicate a more specific cause of an err...
Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in the Http.sys file. IIS defines the following HTTP status codes that indicate a more specific cause of an error 400: Expand table...
300 Multiple ChoiceThe request has more than one possible responses. User-agent or user should choose one of them. There is no standardized way to choose one of the responses.301 Moved PermanentlyThis response code means that URI of requested resource has been changed. Probably, new URI would...
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack (Http.sys) file blocks IIS from processing the request because of a problem in the request. Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in th...
24h, 48h, 0 (if not protocol with certs) [DOMAIN_EXPIRATION] Resolves into the duration before the domain expires (valid units are "s", "m", "h".) 24h, 48h, 1234h56m78s [DNS_RCODE] Resolves into the DNS status of the response NOERRORFunctions...
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack (Http.sys) file blocks IIS from processing the request because of a problem in the request. Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in
100 — Continue: This interim status code means the server received the initial request, and the client should continue. 101 — Switching protocols: This code is a response to an Upgrade header field request and states the protocol the server will switch to. 102 — Processing: This response ...