406 (SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE)表示请求资源的MIME类型与客户端中Accept头信息中指定的类型不一致。见本书7.2部分中的表7.1(HTTP 1.1 Response Headers and Their Meaning/HTTP 1.1响应头信息以及他们的意义)中对MIME类型的介绍。406是新加入 HTTP 1.1中的。 407 (Proxy Authentication Required/代理服务器认证要求) 407 (...
The “404 Not Found” code is one of many HTTP response status codes, and each has a different meaning. The common trait they all share is that they are server responses to your requests.Read further to find out more about what are HTTP status codes and what each code means....
200 is the general status code for successful requests. The exact meaning of "success" is dependent on the request method used. If you make a GET request, you'll get a response with the content of the requested resource. If you make a POST request, you'll get a response with the cont...
The http status code 403 itself expresses that the requested URL does indeed exist, but the client’s request could not be carried out.The client was not authorized to access the webpage. However, the true cause for an http error 403 varies from case to case; there a...
The 400 Bad Request status code indicates that the server could not understand the request due to malformed syntax. This error is a client-side issue, meaning the request sent by the client (a web browser, for instance) is incorrect or corrupt and the server can’t process it....
Status CodeMeaning 201 (Created) The collection was created. 401 (Access Denied) Resource requires authorization or authorization was denied. 403 (Forbidden) The server does not allow collections to be created at the specified location, or the parent collection of the specified request URI exists ...
403 Forbidden Yes You are refusing the client's request. Message body content required. 404 Not Found Yes You do not have a resource to respond to the request; or you want to refuse the request without explanation; or no other status code is relevant. Message body content required. 405 ...
Client-Side Error CodeMeaningExplanationWhy not Retry? 400 Bad Request The server didn’t understand our request Something went wrong with what we sent over 401 Unauthorized Incorrect login credentials No point in retrying without proper authentication 403 Forbidden We’re not allowed to access this ...
This status code indicates that the request has been successful. The meaning of success in on the specific HTTP method: GET: the resource was fetched and is being transmitted HEAD: The entity-headers are in the message body PUT or POST: The resource describing the result of the action is ...
Status CodeMeaning 201 (Created) The collection was created. 401 (Access Denied) Resource requires authorization or authorization was denied. 403 (Forbidden) The server does not allow collections to be created at the specified location, or the parent collection of the specified request URI exists ...