WebSocket断开状态码 1006... 一、http、https网络请求状态码 statusCode 200、300、400、500 200-206:服务器成功处理了请求的状态代码,说明网页或资源可以正常访问。 200(成功) 服务器已成功处理了请求。通常,这表示服务器提供了请求的网页或资源。 201(已创建) 请求成功且服务器已创建了新的资源。 202(已接受)...
http、https⽹络请求状态码statusCode200、300、400、500。We。。。⼀、http、https⽹络请求状态码 statusCode 200、300、400、500 200-206:服务器成功处理了请求的状态代码,说明⽹页或资源可以正常访问。200(成功)服务器已成功处理了请求。通常,这表⽰服务器提供了请求的⽹页或资源。201(已...
不用了 2022-12-29 144 浏览 问题模块:开发相关 resultStatus:4000,memo:,resultJson:{"alipay_trade_app_pay_response":{"code":"10000","msg":"Success",...因为是线上用户偶发,所以没有接口参数,开发没有找到复现方式 请登录后发表内容 1个回答按发布时间降序 支付宝开发者官方 2022-12-31 您的...
Substatus codeDescription 4000 (Failed to get/access the Azure AD token)This error occurs if Azure Cosmos DB can’t get the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access token. This token is required for Azure Cosmos DB to access the Key Vault. The error could occur due to a networking issue...
Besides the standard HTTP status code, the status object may be returned as part of the API response message, delivery report, or message log.Status object example:json { "groupId":3, "groupName":"DELIVERED", "id":5, "name":"DELIVERED_TO_HANDSET", "description":"Message delivered to ...
用HTTP Status Code测试今天的运势如何。我今天的运程是418。你也来试试?→ http://t.cn/A6nIFVNe
Error CodeSemantics -4000 The dataset is not ready. A one-click model has been requested but the corresponding dataset is not ready yet -4001 Bad request to create a model -4002 Your model cannot be created -40021 Your model cannot be created now -4003 The model cannot be retrieved now ...
API Formatting Codes: 4000x Other Related: 400xx Queue Related Error Codes: 41xxx SQS Related Error Codes: 411xx Visualization Error Codes: 42xxx Search Related Error Codes: 430xx Workflow Evaluation Error Codes: 431xx Stripe Error Code: 44xxx ...
HTTPStatus CodeHTTP StatusCodeMessageDescription 200 OK 4000 Account's Developer API limit has been reached. Please upgrade to execute more REST API calls. The Zoho Creator subscription dictates the number of REST API requests that can be made per day. You'll have to check the Creator account...
1005 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in applications expecting a status code to indicate that no status code was actually present. 1006 CLOSE_ABNORMAL 1006 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be ...