200 is the general status code for successful requests. The exact meaning of "success" is dependent on the request method used. If you make a GET request, you'll get a response with the content of the requested resource. If you make a POST request, you'll get a response with the cont...
Status CodeMeaning 201 (Created) The collection was created. 401 (Access Denied) Resource requires authorization or authorization was denied. 403 (Forbidden) The server does not allow collections to be created at the specified location, or the parent collection of the specified request URI exists ...
Let's start with the golden star of status codes: What does a 2xx successful status code mean? The Most Common 2xx Status Codes 200 OK: The request has been successful. This is the standard response for a successful HTTP request. 201 Created: This lets you know that a new resource was...
406 (SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE)表示请求资源的MIME类型与客户端中Accept头信息中指定的类型不一致。见本书7.2部分中的表7.1(HTTP 1.1 Response Headers and Their Meaning/HTTP 1.1响应头信息以及他们的意义)中对MIME类型的介绍。406是新加入 HTTP 1.1中的。 407 (Proxy Authentication Required/代理服务器认证要求) 407 (...
HTTP - Status Codes - The Status-Code element in a server response, is a 3-digit integer where the first digit of the Status-Code defines the class of response and the last two digits do not have any categorization role. There are 5 values for the first
For full information about the meaning and correct use of status codes, you should consult the HTTP specification to which you are working.The HTTP protocolhas more information about the HTTP specifications. This topic provides a brief summary of the HTTP/1.1 status codes as they relate to CICS...
An HTTP status code is a server response to a browser’s request. When you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the site’s server, and the server then responds to the browser’s request with a three-digit code: the HTTP status code. Common c
Code Title Description 200 OK The request has succeeded. The specific meaning of the success is dependent on the HTTP method. 201 Created The request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. 202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing...
The following table explains the meaning of each returned status value, whether it is a success, error, or warning condition, and whether data was successfully returned. Status value Success, warning, or error Data returned Description DBSTATUS_S_OK ...
This status code category encompasses successful responses. 200 — OK: This is the standard response for successful HTTP requests. The actual meaning of the response depends on the request method used: GET: Resource obtained and is in the message body HEAD: Headers are included in the response...