Status code What it means 1xx Informational response 100 Continue 101 Switching protocols 102 Processing 103 Early Hints 2xx Succes 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-Authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 207 Multi-Status 208 Already Reported 226 IM...
500.13Web server is too busy.The request isn't processed because the server is too busy to accept any new incoming requests. Typically, this HTTP status code means that the number of incoming concurrent requests exceeds the number that the IIS web application can process. This problem may occur...
Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in the Http.sys file.IIS defines the following HTTP status codes that indicate a more specific cause of an error 400:...
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack (Http.sys) file blocks IIS from processing the request because of a problem in the request. Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack (Http.sys) file blocks IIS from processing the request because of a problem in the request. Typically, this HTTP status code means that the request contains invalid characters or sequences, or that the request goes against the security settings in
If you use ServerAgent to monitor the location health, this means that the ServerAgent is not running and should be restarted. 4059 Ping failed (server not reporting) After your site has reached status code 4050, we will perform a “last-ditch” ping request if you have selected that optio...
If I use the browser then it means that I have to use the mouse, or a track pad or something. I'm a little bored on a Friday night. There's some rubbish film on. Quite frankly I'm a little bored. If I make it good enough then people will give me stars. This, as everyone ...
HTTP status code 被一个问题耽搁了好久,最后才恍然。这是关于HTTP status的。 使用feign进行http请求,结果总是抛出异常: read 405.由于不了解feign具体原理,还总觉得是内部错误。虽然错误信息没有明确指出http返回异常,但看到405就应该敏感才对。这里就记录遇到的各种status。
305 “Use Proxy”– The requested resource is available only through a proxy. This code is now deprecated and browsers disregard it. 306 “Switch Proxy”– This code is no longer in use. It means that the following requests should use the specified proxy. ...
A 302 means that the target destination has been found, but it lives in a different location. However, it is a rather ambiguous status code because it doesn’t tell if this is a temporary situation. Use a 302 redirect only if you want to temporarily redirect a URL to a different source...