问题: 如何在位于AutoCAD屏幕右下角的状态栏上自定义或显示缺少的按钮。 原因: AutoCAD屏幕右下角的状态栏可以根据需要自定义显示或隐藏按钮。 解决方案: 自定义状态栏上显示的按钮: 单击状态栏右端的三条水平线。 选中或取消选中列表中的项目将在状态栏中显示或隐藏按
Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SetSystemVariable("MODEMACRO", "Hello World")
Look in REGEDIT (AutoCAD 2019) : \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R23.0\ACAD-3001\Variables\*STATUSBARSTATE \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R23.0\ACAD-3001\Variables\STATUSBAR After changes you have to restart the PC. Look in AutoCAD, command CUI and check you works...
Why is the option show snapping reference lines in status bar not working in my AutoCAD ?Anonymous 06-19-2021 12:40 AM I have send screenshot of snapping reference lines. As I know this tool make a tracking path for a line but it is not working in my cad. Captur...
Annotation Monitor (Status Bar Button) Turns on the annotation monitor. When the annotation monitor is on, the system flags all nonassociative annotations by displaying a badge next to them. Click the button to turn on the Annotation Monitor. Annotation Monitor is switched off (default). ...
Your drawing may be moving up and down slightly in Model Space, giving it a jittery, jerky, jumping, shifty, bouncing, or flickering effect. You may also have noticed that the Model and Layout tabs are moving up and down in AutoCAD or F/X CAD when the Status Bar changes. ...
At any prompt for a point, click the coordinate display located on the left end of the status bar ( ). Press Ctrl + i repeatedly. Set the COORDS system variable to 0 for static display, 1 for dynamic display, or 2 for distance and angle display. Note: Coordinate Display is not ...
Here’s the C# code implementing a command (CC) that prints the status-bar coordinates to the command-line: usingAutodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; usingAutodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput; usingAutodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; namespaceDisplayCoords
问题: 基于AutoCAD的产品中的状态栏在屏幕底部显示为全黑。 将光标悬停在图标上时,将显示工具提示,其中包含图标的名称。 单击图标时,它们将正常工作。 关闭状态栏后再次打开状态栏不会恢复状态栏的可见性。 原因: 缺少高分辨率显示器支持的更...
アドイン(SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional のみ) 関連概念 AutoCAD アドイン ツールバー(AutoCAD add-in Toolbars) 関連タスク AutoCAD アドインのアクティブ化(Activating the AutoCAD Add-in) 関連資料 ショートカットメニュー(Shortcut Menu) コマンドライン(Command Line) ショートカッ...