status_access_violation 是一个常见的错误代码,特别是在使用基于 Chromium 的浏览器(如 Chrome、Edge 等)以及在某些系统或软件环境中。它通常指示了内存访问违规,即程序试图访问其没有权限访问的内存区域。 常见原因 软件缺陷: 浏览器或系统更新可能引入新的 bug,导致内存访问错误。硬件...
是指在使用谷歌Chrome浏览器时遇到的一种错误。STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION是Windows操作系统中的一个错误代码,表示程序试图访问无效的内存地址。 这种错误通常是由于软件bug、内存损坏、驱动程序冲突或恶意软件等原因引起的。当Chrome浏览器尝试访问无效的内存地址时,操作系统会抛出STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION错误,并导致浏览器崩溃...
The browser frequently displays a status_access_violation error message and occasionally crashes abruptly. This issue can be replicated in Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.Usually, refreshing the page resolves the issue, but it is particularly easy to trigger on certain webpages (e.g. https:/...
STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error in Edge 105.0.1308.0 canary. Many websites will throw STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error after some time after visiting. For example these websites:, My Edge version: 105.0.1308.0 canary...Show More Reply View...
My app appears to crash some time after being open. First, the app gets corrupted (couldn't provide the screenshot, since it requires me to wait a long time). Next, a few seconds later, when the app crashes, the process aborts with the exit code 0xc0000005 (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)....
STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error in Edge 105.0.1308.0 canary. Many websites will throw STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error after some time after visiting. For example these websites:, My Edge version: 105.0.1308.0 canary. ...
Microsoft EdgeVersion 114.0.1823.67 (Official build) (64-bit) TOPICS Web Views 2.0K Translate Translate Report Report Reply 1 Correct answer jhgfuoipdfg8oi35njker8•Explorer,Jul 03, 2023 The cause of the STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error code was Microsoft Edge "Enhance...
Now enable individual extensions one by one and see which extensions cause the STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error. If you found the culprit, then uninstall that browser extension. Method 5: Switch to Different Browsers As this is a browser-specific issue, you can try switching to other browsers. Som...
Error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION Microsoft is already aware of it, and there is a workaround. Please check the current status here, as I am trying to keep the post updated: ...
Hello, I get the error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION on all browsers and the blue screen error code: IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL, and crash all apps such as discord, epic, steam and even other games, like me Looking into it, perhaps this is a CPU problemI went to check...