1. 解释状态码501的含义 HTTP状态码501表示服务器不支持请求的功能或选项。这通常意味着服务器没有实现客户端请求的方法或功能。在HTTP协议中,501状态码是一个服务器错误响应,表明服务器由于某些原因无法完成客户端的请求。 2. 说明“https required”错误的原因 当遇到“https required”错误时,这通常意味着服务器...
先决条件的另外一个例子就是 If-Match 头,这个一般用在 PUT 请求上用于指示只更新没被改变的资源,这在多个客户端使用 HTTP 服务时用来防止彼此间不会覆盖相同内容。 当服务器端使用 428 Precondition Required 状态码时,表示客户端必须发送上述的请求头才能执行请求,这个方法为服务器提供一种有效的方法来阻止 ‘lost...
403.4SSL requiredThe request is made over a non-secure channel. But the web application requires a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection. 403.5SSL 128 requiredThe server is configured to require a 128-bit SSL connection. But, the request isn't sent by using 128-bit encryption. ...
403.4SSL requiredThe request is made over a non-secure channel. But the web application requires a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection. 403.5SSL 128 requiredThe server is configured to require a 128-bit SSL connection. But, the request isn't sent by using 128-bit encryption. ...
Error 501 - 未实现 HTTP 502 - 网关错误 part of Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1RFC 2616 Fielding, et al. 10 Status Code Definitions Each Status-Code is described below, including a description of which method(s) it can follow and any metainformation required in the response. ...
NotImplemented 501 伺服器無法辨識要求方法,或缺少滿足要求的能力。 NotModified 304 指出自上次要求後尚未修改資源。 OperationCanceled 16 已取消作業。 PaymentRequired 402 保留的。 PreconditionFailed 412 伺服器不符合要求者提出要求的其中一個先決條件。 ProxyAuthenticationRequired 407 用戶端必須先向 Proxy 驗證本...
NotImplementedEquivalent to HTTP status 501. NotImplemented indicates that the server does not support the requested function. BadGatewayEquivalent to HTTP status 502. BadGateway indicates that an intermediate proxy server received a bad response from another proxy or the origin server. ...
500 Internal Server ErrorThe server has encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle.501 Not ImplementedThe request method is not supported by the server and cannot be handled. The only methods that servers are required to support (and therefore that must not return this code) areGET...
501Not Implemented 服务器不支持需要处理请求的功能,比如图片压缩等处理 502Bad Gateway 反向代理或网关找不到处理请求的服务器 503Service Unavailable 服务不可用 504Gateway Timeout 网关超时 505HTTP Version Not Supported,不支持的 HTTP 版本,服务器不支持或拒绝处理这个 HTTP 版本的请求 ...