feign.feignexception$forbidden: status 403 reading 错误表明在使用 Feign 客户端进行 HTTP 请求时,服务器返回了 403 Forbidden 状态码。这通常意味着客户端没有足够的权限来访问所请求的资源。以下是对该问题的详细分析和解决方案: 1. 理解错误含义 403 Forbidden:服务器理解请求客户端的请求,但是拒绝执行此请求。
FeignClient出现403错误,但是使用OkHttpClient或者curl请求没有问题。具体报错为「status 403 reading xxxxx#xxxx(), feign.FeignException$Forbidden: status 403 reading...」 最近在项目中使用FeignClient发https(s)请求的时候发现一个非常奇怪的问题,在上一个文章我写了将项目中的OkHttpClient替换成FeignClient,这样...
AI代码解释 Active connections:4server accepts handled requests443Reading:0Writing:1Waiting:3 解释: Active connections:当前活动连接数。 server accepts handled requests: 第一个数字:已处理的连接数。 第二个数字:成功的TCP握手次数。 第三个数字:已处理的请求数。 Reading:正在读取客户端请求头的连接数。 Wri...
When using the proxy configuration such as http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables when using the open delt-sharing for reading the data the proxy environment variables are not picked up causing the below error when using the bu...
403 Forbidden The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason ...
feign.FeignException: status 404 reading Test#hello111() 在用springcloud中的feign时,报错: 大意是找不到服务提供者。 解决办法一:指定服务提供者的url 在服务消费者的service中,增加请求目标的Url. url里的内容是:服务提供者的ip、端口、context-path。但是这样的话,指定一个url后,如果想做负载均衡会受到...
Uyuni version Loading repository data... Reading installed packages... Informationforpackage Uyuni-Server-release: --- Repository:uyuni-server-stable Name:Uyuni-Server-release Version:2023.03-220400.199.1.uyuni2 Arch:x86_64 Vendor:obs://build.opensuse.org/systemsmanagement:Uyuni...
403 → Forbidden 404 → Not Found 405 → Method Not Allowed 406 → Not Acceptable 407 → Proxy Authentication Required 408 → Request Timeout 409 → Conflict 410 → Gone 411 → Length Required 412 → Precondition Failed 413 → Payload Too Large 414 → URI Too Long 415 → Unsupported Media...
这是forbidden,缺少权限,一般是web验证没有通过会抛出的异常。你可以在web.xml里面配置一些role,然后为role分配他的操作权限,你用用户登录的时候不给他分配操作权限的role,就会抛出403;参考代码如下:web.xml <security-constraint><web-resource-collection><web-resource-name>测试403</web-resource-...
Reading:0Writing:1Waiting:0 编写项目监控脚本 [root@localhost scripts]# !vim vim nginx_status.sh #!/bin/bash Active_con=`curl -s |grep Active|awk'{print $3}'` accepts=`curl -s |awk NR==3 |awk'{print $1}'` ...