Username: <asp:Textbox id="UsernameTextbox" runat="server" /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="UsernameRequiredValidator" runat="server" ControlToValidate="UserNameTextbox" ForeColor="red" Display="Static" ErrorMessage="Required" /> Password: <asp:Textbox id="PasswordTextbox" runat="server"...
Equivalent to HTTP status 402.PaymentRequiredis reserved for future use. Forbidden403 Equivalent to HTTP status 403.Forbiddenindicates that the server refuses to fulfill the request. NotFound404 Equivalent to HTTP status 404.NotFoundindicates that the requested resource does not exist on the server....
The request did not specify the length of its content, which is required by the requested resource. PreconditionFailed 412 The server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester put on the request. RequestEntityTooLarge 413 The request is larger than the server is willing or able...
If the CRL mode is unavailable, the device checks the certificate using the OCSP server. If both methods are unavailable, the device considers the certificate valid. You can select a mode for checking the certificate status as required. CRL In CRL mode, the status of a certificate is ...
Cause 1: The trunk interface went Up. Cause 2: The trunk interface went Down. Procedure Cause 1: The trunk interface went Up. This log message is informational only, and no action is required. Cause 2: The trunk interface went Down. Check whether the status of the trunk member port is...
The store ID assigned by the acquirer to identify a store that is associated with the merchant. More information: Maximum length: 32 characters Response parameters Show all result Result REQUIRED The request result contains information such as status and error codes. Show child parameters registrat...
The Status element is a required child element of the Collection element, the Change element, the Add element, the Delete element, and the Fetch
mod=group&fid=$1&page=$2&%1 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)$ RewriteRule ^/space-(username|uid)-(.+)\.html$ /home.php?mod=space&$1=$2&%1 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)$ RewriteRule ^/blog-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\.html$ /home.php?mod=space&uid=$1&do=blog&id=$...
{DB_USERNAME} POSTGRES_DB: ${DB_DATABASE_NAME} PG_DATA: /var/lib/postgresql/data volumes: - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data restart: always immich-proxy: container_name: immich_proxy image: environment: # Make sure these values get passed through ...
{{ htpasswd (required "All tenants must have a 'name' set" $ (required "All tenants must have a 'password' set" $t.password) }} {{- end }} {{ else }} {{ htpasswd (required "'gateway.basicAuth.username' is required" .Values.gateway.basicAuth.username) (required "'gateway...