The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in the New York Harbor, USA. Watch this video and learn more facts.
The Statue of Liberty is an 1886 gift from France to the United States as an enduring symbol of freedom. Since its construction, it has welcomed immigrants to the U.S. as it’s located in New York Harbor. See the fact file for more information on the Sta
This lesson describes a famous national monument: the Statue of Liberty. You will also learn some interesting facts about the history of the Statue of Liberty and its different parts. What is the Statue of Liberty? The Statue of Liberty in New York ...
Statue of Liberty Photo by: wwarby, Creative Commons A visit to New York City is not complete without a visit to the Statue of Liberty. Lady Liberty happens to be one of the most famous visitor attractions to both New Yorkers and travelers alike whenever they visit the United States. A ...
The Statue of Isis was first known asLiberty Enlightening the World, but is now more commonly called, the “Statue of Liberty.” However, we must ask ourselves, “Is she truly enlightening the world, or is she actually the Goddess who keeps our illumination in the shadows as she holds the...
StatueofLibertyFactsStatueofLibertyFactsFactDescriptionHeight305feetWeight225tonsMaterialCopperLocationLibertyIsland,NewYorkHarbor VisitingtheStatueofLibertyGuidedTours: DiscoverthebestwaystoexploretheStatueofLibertyanditssurroundings. Activities: Learnaboutthevariousactivitiesavailabletovisitorsatthemonument. ...
Here are five interesting facts about the Statue of Liberty: The Statue of Liberty is 305 feet 1 inch high from the ground to the tip of the torch... Learn more about this topic: Statue of Liberty Facts: Lesson for Kids from Chapter...
The Statue of Liberty is a famous statue that sits on a small island in New York. This lesson will teach you where it came from, where you can find it, why it's green, and some other cool facts about this national monument.
What is the Statue of Liberty and what does it represent in America? This lesson plan uses two text lessons to lay out key facts for students. An activity provides a meaningful takeaway for students. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Lesson Cou...
The Statue of Liberty is an amazing piece of Art. Learn how it was built, how much it weighs, and how tall this American monument stands.