These estimates are based on the results of the last Census of Population and Housing including adjustments for undercounting, residents temporarily overseas at thetime of the census, and a range of administrative data on births, deaths, internal and international migration.Australian Bureau of ...
In a second article entitled “Effective reproduction number estimation”, Michael Höhle estimates with the{R0}package the time-varying effective reproduction number during an infectious disease outbreak such as COVID-19. Using a single simulated outbreak he compares the performance of three different...
Current Population Reports. P-25 Projections of resident population by age and sex to 2050 . . . . Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports. P-25-1092 Monthly estimates of population by type . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports. P-...
Current Population Reports. P-25 Projections of resident population by age and sex to 2050 . . . . Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports. P-25-1092 Monthly estimates of population by type . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports. P-...