Watch the Internet as it grows in real time and monitor social media usage: Internet users, websites, blog posts, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest users. Visualize the total number of emails, Google searches, YouTube videos, Tumblr posts, Instag
Salman Aslam Salman Aslamis the Managing Director at Omnicore, a leading Healthcare Digital Advertising & Marketing Agency helping clients across the globe. You can follow him onTwitterfor tweets and rants about the latest news, tips, and advice on digital marketing. Share: 153 Shares Relatedpost...
This graph shows the market share of browsers worldwide based on over 5 billion monthly page views.
IXP Presence (Internet Exchange facilities where the AS is present) Global AS rank (derived from the size of its customer cone, number of peering relationships and more) BGP statistics (neighbours count, originated v4/v6 prefix count) BGP incident history (number of BGP hijacks and route leaks...
This graph shows the market share of browser versions worldwide from Feb 2024 - Feb 2025. Chrome For Android has 42.15%, Safari IPhone has 14.29% and Chrome 131.0 has 1.4%.
According to Backlinko,a page that ranks number one on Google generally gets 31.7 percent of the traffic, while a page that ranks 10th will get just 3 percent of the traffic. As you can see, the #1 result in Google has a 10x higher click-through rate compared to the #10 result. Most...
World Internet users by year and Internet users by Country. Live counter showing estimated current internet users and historical growth rate. Charts, infographics, and interesting info.
1. YouTube has 2.49 billion monthly active users According to theDigital 2024 Global Overview Report, YouTube’s potential ad reach totals 2.49 billion users. That’s half of the5.04 billion social media usersworldwide, making it the second most used social platform. This speaks volumes about ...
How many websites are there on the Web? Number of websites by year and growth from 1991 to 2016. Historical count and popular websites starting from the first website until today. Charts, real time counter, and interesting info.
Twitter(X) has 611 Million monthly active users. Find updated data on its revenue, growth, and users with our Twitter statistics.