vengeance demon-hunter 6 ↓1 F 647K 905K 245 guardian druid # Diff Tier Avg Top Runs Healer specs 1 ↑1 S 350K 593K 794 mistweaver monk 2 ↑1 S 342K 494K 2.5K discipline priest 3 ↓2 B 248K 389K 80 preservation evoker
2011-04-12Brandthe Burning VengeanceRuneterra 67% 2014-05-12Braumthe Heart of the FreljordFreljord 67% 2010-12-14Cassiopeiathe Serpent's EmbraceNoxus 67% 2009-02-21JaxGrandmaster at ArmsRuneterra 67% 2009-08-07Kassadinthe Void WalkerVoid ...
Select any period (week) since the begning of Battle for Azeroth. Defined by WoW's weekly reset. View periodsCurrent period death-knight bloodfrostunholy demon-hunter havocvengeance druid balanceferalguardianrestoration evoker augmentationdevastationpreservation ...
Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank God / S+ 89.4 NEW 15.0 197.3 3197.9 523.4 962224 48.8% Balance Druid DPS Fair / B 24.9 NEW 14.0 195.7 2905.6 522.8 148737 7.5% Feral Druid DPS Weak / C 10.6 NEW 14.0 192.1 2710.9 521.3 39477 2.0% Guardian Druid Tank Good / A 27.4 NEW 14.0 194.7 2950.0 522...
#204 Chaos Theory Vengeance 0.065% #205 Season 23 ranked badge: Gold 0.063% #206 Impress Me 0.063% #207 Season 15 ranked badge: Bronze 0.063% #208 Harbingers Proclaimer 0.063% #209 30-30 Mastery II 0.061% #210 Threat Level Facilitator 0.061% #211 Warriors Gladiator 0.061% #212 Genesis...
#12 Vengeance Seeker 3.029% #13 Final Sunset 2.6% #14 Eternal Life 2.374% #15 Hellcat 2.318% #16 Rift Stalker 2.211% #17 Cold Sweats 1.773% #18 Quantum Collision 1.68% #19 Void Prowler 1.584% #20 Marble Goddess 1.303% #21 Depths of the Void 1.01% #22 Veteran Voyager 1.001% #23 Vo...
vengeance demon-hunter 5 0 F 638K 832K 2.6K protection warrior 6 0 F 629K 868K 1.1K guardian druid # Diff Tier Avg Top Runs Healer specs 1 0 S 333K 478K 9.7K discipline priest 2 0 S 322K 635K 1.7K mistweaver monk 3 0 B 260K 419K 235 preservation evoker 4...