Another 3.3 million tonnes of plastic garbage ends up in landfills. Less than one-tenth of the plastic Canadians throw out is actually recycled. In a bid to cut down on all plastic waste, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised in 2019 that some single-use plastics would be bann...
Reducing plastic packaging and promoting reusable alternatives Minimizing food waste Improving energy efficiency in stores Supporting local and regenerative agriculture By embracing these sustainability practices, grocers can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, reduce operational costs, and contr...
Plastic litter in the UK – any solutions? Empty plastic bottles on the streets and plastic litter debris in the wider environment are an unfortunate persistent problem of our days. While much is done in the UK to tackle plastic litter through household waste collection and recycling, and specia...
America is the queen of trash.Every day in the U.S., weproduce enough trashto equal the weight of the Empire State Building. We throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour, produce enough styrofoam cups annually to circle the earth 436 times and trash enough office paper to build a...
“This project is a fantastic collaboration that was radical, innovative and created a valuable tool to help government and businesses calculate their carbon emissions from use of fuel, water and waste generation.” The NHS Test and Trace weekly statistics publication was highly commended in this...
465 Dr. Dre · "Talk About It" 1 .003 465 Drug Control · "S/t" 1 .003 465 Dr. Yen Lo · "Day 13" 1 .003 465 Dr. Yen Lo · "Day 22" 1 .003 465 Ducktails · "Headbanging in the Mirror" 1 .003 465 Duke Dumont · "The Giver (Reprise)" 1 .003 ...