Website Stats APIIPv6 in Sierra Leone These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth in Sierra Leone over time.They are generated using the data collected by the connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.Overall IPv6...
17.03.2018 at 15:30 Friendly Iran Sierra Leone 4 - 0 23.03.2018 at 21:00 Friendly Tunisia Iran 1 - 0 27.03.2018 at 17:00 Friendly Algeria Iran 1 - 2 19.05.2018 at 21:00 Friendly Iran Uzbekistan 1 - 0 28.05.2018 at 21:15 Friendly Turkey Iran 2 - 1 08.06.2018 at 19:...
Sierra Leone’s populationincreasedby164 thousand(+2.1%) between January 2020 and January 2021. 50.1%of Sierra Leone’s population isfemale, while49.9%of its population ismale[note: the United Nations does not publish data for genders other than ‘female’ and ‘male’]. 43.2%of Sierra Leone...
Sierra Leone — new directions in fisheries statisticsdoi:10.1016/0308-597X(81)90076-2Alan Marriott and T.R. BrainerdMarine Policy
GDP (Nominal) of 195 countries by IMF. Changes in gdp and their respective ranking of economies. Data from World bank include gdp and year estimated for.
This article explicates health statistics as cultural forms and shows how they have been produced and performed in two very different countries: Sierra Leone and Germany. In both familiar and surprising ways, this article shows how statistics and their pursuit organize and discipline human behavior,...
On average, South Africans are more likely to do theirfinances onlinecompared to the global average.50.2% of internet users in South Africado at least some of their banking, investment, or insurance activities through a website or an app. ...
Cotton Tree News - news website, operated by NGOs Sierra Leone News Agency Slovakia TASR - partly state-funded Azet - popular portal, operates news site Aktuality Slovenia Slovene Press Agency Slovene Press Agency South Africa South African Press Association (SAPA) ...
SL:净移民人数数据按年更新,12-01-1962至12-01-2017期间平均值为0.000人,共12份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2002,达500,000.000人,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1992,为-450,000.000人。CEIC提供的SL:净移民人数数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于World Bank,数据归类于全球数据库的塞拉利昂 –表...
SL:国内一般政府卫生支出:占一般政府开支的百分比 在12-01-2015达7.856%,相较于12-01-2014的7.580%有所增长。SL:国内一般政府卫生支出:占一般政府开支的百分比 数据按年更新,12-01-2000至12-01-2015期间平均值为7.306%,共16份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2001,...